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she needs your support and your safe haven now that she left her breeder hem.jag a timnhe but have little experience with macaws, but I do not think they sound a macaw thing my timnhe like to be in his arms at me.

those I remember with our macaw we had was much in search of rest with me.

I think the macaw needs more security and more longer than the smaller birds.

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Awww. Lucy sounds like such a sweetheart.


I don't have any experience with macaws -- just seen and handled them at the pet store. I do get the impression from talking to macaw owners that they are very sociable and playful and demand a lot of interaction. I have seen new macaw owners at the store carry their bird around on its back in their arm like a baby.

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She really is a cutie pie and yes she may need the security of cuddling longer than a grey for the bigger birds take longer to mature but may she always be as sweet as she is right now and maybe when she is less clingy she will be more sociable with other people, continue to expose her to other people.

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