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What to do...a Grey not being taken care of well


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Hi...I haven't been here in a long time...the forums look different!! I see my AnnaBella is still on the front page...I love to see that.


OK...here's my problem. I have a friend who is a dog breeder. She's always had tons of dogs and cats. Her daughter (19 years old) got a Grey after she fell in love with mine. Otis is his name...when she got him, I tried to give her advice but she wanted to do things her way. I think they see themselves as good pet keepers...and they are...with their dogs. Anyway, Otis has never been to the vet. I suggested they take him when they first got him but they didn't. My friend told me that they did just to shut me up as she told another friend of mine. I kinda backed off because I thought maybe I was "preaching" too much. OK...so it's about a year or more later and I was visiting their house today. Otis has a nice roomy cage...a few chew toys. His water bowl was slimy and the water was kinda "thick". I told my friend about it and she said that her daughter takes care of him and she got called into work early. I could tell that the water bowl hasn't been cleaned in a long time...not just a day. My friend actually said "my daugher takes care of him, I do nothing...he's alive."...My friend went to the bathroom and I took care of his water bowl. The bowl doesn't go with the cage....it doesn't fit right...he's been stuck btwn the cage and the bowl before and almost died. In fact, they thought he was dead...his head was wedged between the cage and the bowl...still no vet visit. That was a while ago and he "seems to be ok"...GRRRR. And now the food. They feed him all seeds. He had maybe a teaspoon full of seeds in his bowl...my friend said "I don't know if my daugher fed him this morning."....another GRRRRR. I don't want to seem preachy and yet Otis is suffering. He looks like crap...always has. His feathers are shabby and he just looks sickly. I want to steal him and take him to a vet. I cannot keep him...not that they'd let me anyway...my husband would freeeeeek!! One Grey is enough for us. Plus, I don't want AnnaBella to get sick from him. I KNOW he has something wrong...he needs to see a vet. Now one of her dogs is pregnant...I know Otis will be ignored even more. I thought about getting her a gift card to my vet, but I'm afraid they'll use it for one of their dogs....or just won't use it. I've explained to both of them how birds tend to hide illness...they don't see that he looks sick. I told them that he doesn't look right, but he's always looked that way so, to them, he looks normal. Anyway, I've told both of them that he needs AT LEAST one vet appt...just to check him out. They won't do it. I've told them I take AnnaBella every six months...they think I'm crazy. I know a lot of people can't afford to do that and I understand that. Here are some pics of him from when they first got him. He still looks like this. Bad wing trims and all. This just makes me sick. What do I do?





Anybody have any ideas?

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I would probably try a different approach. First I would have the administrators delete this thread and then invite the owner of the bird to visit this forum. Encourage her to join and meet up with other grey lovers. Perhaps the message can get across by others relating their experiences and approaches to loving and caring for a grey.

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She was/is a member here. She posted pics of him when she first joined and people were ticked off by his "bad haircut" as she called it..... She quit coming here right after that. She felt attacked. She doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. They don't think anything is wrong with him. I forgot to say that they also had a cockatiel...it died recently...I suggested as nicely as I could that Otis might have the same thing that the 'tiel died from and they might want to have him checked out...but...nothing. I have told them about my vet...blah blah blah....and I know the daughter has a substantial amount of money...she can afford to take him to the vet. Unfortunately, she puts the responsibility on the mom to pay for the vet...and the mom doesn't have a lot of money. It's a weird situation. Thank you for responding.

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In that case, my second option (but it's a lot more expensive!) would be to try to set myself up to pet sit and take him to the vet myself. Unfortunately that is a short term solution. He has to go back into that house so the initial visit to the vet might be a waste in the long run. I can't believe that she doesn't see the difference between your bird and hers. Why would you invest in a pet like this and then not invest a little bit more to keep him healthy? Makes no sense to me. I wish I could be more helpful but it sounds like you have done all you can already.

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Oh boy, what a sad situation for that poor Grey. Even sadder is. it is happening with thousands of parrots and they eventually end up dead of in a rescue.


They obviously think you are overboard in your bird keeping and therefore ignore the kind help you try to offer. The bird looks horrible!


Thanks for trying to help them as much as they will let you. About the only thing you can do is offer to help by suggesting they may in the future wish to find it a home that has time to care for it and they could get some $$$ back in their pockets since the apparently are hurting for money. They are not like us. If I was hurting that bad cash wise, the critters health and welfare would be first and the credit cards wanting payments could go pound salt....but thats just me. :)

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About the only thing you can do is offer to help by suggesting they may in the future wish to find it a home that has time to care for it and they could get some $$$ back in their pockets since the apparently are hurting for money.


Oh my goodness, what a sad-looking boy! :( I think Dan hit on a good idea in that, if they're bad off financially, they can try and find Otis a better home and get some money in the process. That may be a motivator for them because then they'd have less 'responsibility' and more money--but more importantly, Otis would be in a better situation. Maybe it's just that one image, but his eyes seem to have a strange cast to them, the poor baby... he needs some help, badly, and on a diet of seeds with slimy water... ugh, so sad...

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I'm sorry to say this, but that picture nearly made me cry with how the bird's wings had been cut. That is absolutely awful!! What a shame.


A lot of people just don't do the necessary homework when spending money on such a demanding animal. For weeks before having Tui all I did was read up on Greys and even now I have numerous sites bookmarked on my PC for reference. I'm certainly by no means saying I'm the best owner, but anyone who has a Grey needs to understand them and their needs before they jump in. Some people also don't want to listen when they're doing something wrong - they're adament that their way is best and they can't see the effects their decisions are having on the poor bird. Never underestimate the time, dedication and finances you need when purchasing a Grey. When Tui first plucked and I took her to the vets, I wasn't in the best financial position, but her bill was still paid for as she came first to me.


I don't think your friend has got enough dedication and time for Otis. Even though she might have good intentions, she doesn't seem to see the effects this is having on him. I hope things work out for Otis. Poor little guy.

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Yeah, whoever owns this bird would not like what I had to say. My Issac's wingtips cross right over and are of the same length as his cute red tail. If I ever saw a set of scissors sitting next to him I would freak out. LOL...now yes I am extreme. Some people will not give in to a level of seeing what it might be like from the birds point of view. Whether that or it is more convenient for them to just deny that the bird has feelings at that level. Bottom line is, this person is not meant to, and does not have the appropriate level of evolved thinking to own a parrot at this time. That said, they have a Grey and something should seemingly be done about it.


I usually convey my feeling regarding clipping and why I personally do not clip to others in this way. I ask them why it would not be appropriate for us to cut the toes off of our children so they can't walk too far or fast. They might get into danger and are much harder to manage with full motor control. Again, an extreme example...but really...it is the same thing. It's just more self-evident that humans have feelings...and in addition, they can also speak at a certain point and we would quickly know what a devistating thing toe removal would be. Also, they look exactly like us...so jeez...they must think the same way we would and whoa....ouch.


Anyway, I am getting off track. Dave put it best with his comment. There is really almost nothing you can do. However, I would at least present information as to how it is super bad to clip them as in the pictures you provided as they can die from a fall. If one is going to clip....there is a right way..and at the very least it should be done that way. Otherwise, this problem may solve itself in a bad way. This bird is mamed in my opinion. I cannot imagine he would have taken a clip like that happily. What you can do is up to you. It's certainly not your responsability, but you appear to be the closest one to the bird who really cares. I can say no more. I have to move on as this disturbs me too much.

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Regarding the wing clipping...They had the bird clipped at a bird shop...but he could still fly a little so they took him back and had him clipped shorter. I told them that if you're going to clip, they still need to be able to glide. I did tell them my opinions on clipping. The reason they wanted him clipped is because they have 8 dogs. They are in and out all day long and they didn't want the bird to escape. I told them that their household isn't a household that should have a bird. My friend got pissed off at me for saying that...that's around the time she told me the lie that they took him to a vet and he checked out fine.


I know that there are a lot of Greys out there with owners like this...and worse. The only solution, in my eyes, is kidnapping. If I could keep the bird, I might consider that option. I don't know how I would do it...I've never done something like that. I know I must sound like a deviant criminal, but that's really the only solution I see.


I remember when they first got Otis, when I suggested they take him to a vet...another comment that was made was that if he was sick, they'd have to do something about it and that just costs too much. I thought about getting them a gift card to the vet to have him checked out but, like I said, they'd probably use it on the dogs. If they did use it on Otis and if (when) they found out he is sick, would they be willing to do the treatments? Not just financially, but would they DO it. I told them that when I got AnnaBella, she looked FINE. She was active, her color was good...etc. But, she had a bacterial and yeast infection in her mouth. I told them that it was common for babies to have this...still no luck.


As far as wing clipping being good or bad, I personally don't like it. But, I understand that people's situations change and they may have to do that in order to keep the bird. But, there is no excuse for what was done to Otis. AnnaBella went through a really bad time where she was biting all the time. The vet said that if we clip her wings, she'd behave better...we didn't do it...it wasn't long and she stopped the biting. I think some of the reasons for her improvement was ME learning how to "handle" her...and change of seasons.


Otis is on my mind all the time and I wish there was a solution. I'm going to see my bird vet soon and I'm going to talk to her about it to see if there's something that can be done...I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the replies.

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These birds are much more sentient that many would ever believe. It's sad that they can be bound to anyones care when the terms are like this. Not sure what to say.


I can ask this. What is it that they like about this poor Grey? Why do they keep him so? Who loves a pet and keeps them so badly?


<< See bird lover.

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He's a sweetheart, really. When they first got him, he liked cuddling and sleeping in the daughter's sweatshirt. I don't know if he still does that. They got a Grey because of their ability to talk. Mine talks a lot, they were attracted to that and so they decided to sell the sun conure they had to help pay for a Grey. Horrible, I know. Otis is starting to talk quite a bit. He's really a sweetheart. He's attached to the daughter and pretty much only allows her to handle him...I think the mom might be able to do a hold him a little. According to my friend, the sun conure was adorable. I never got to meet him...But, he couldn't talk and probably never would...they wanted a parrot with talking abilities. I didn't know they were selling the sun to get a grey...When I found out they did that, I tried to tell them that not all greys talk. I blame myself a little because they got their grey after they saw AnnaBella. I was always talking about her and they came over to meet her...I wish there was more "animal policing" by authorities so that this sort of thing didn't happen.

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Please don't blame yourself...just try your best to please help that sweet bird. Please.


Tell them that every bird is someones baby..and their mother wanted them to have the chances that they had. And when we took them away from that...we stood upon a responsability to keep them safe, fed, warm...just like their mother would have wanted.


And if they got lonely, they could fly to you, and preen themselvs right next to you becuase they like being close to you. They consider you their flock. And you consider them yours.


These magnificant beings are just as sentient as we are and should be loved as so.


I don't go on like this often....and I don't think you deserve to feel any guilt based on it. I only want to give you a podium (and this thread) to stand on when you go and fight for this bird as I know you are going to do.


I know you love birds just as much as any one on this site. And I know that you cannot let the situation stand..otherwise..you wouldn't be reading this.


Now get creative...and save that bird.



PS: I Love Greys (well and other birds too but greys are my favorites..but conures..and cockatoos too..and pelicans...a few sand pipers...lol...why not all life) too

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Elevenking, are you single? If so, can we please get married? I love all that you said and it shows what a beautiful heart you have. Thank you for taking the time to express what so many of us are no doubt feeling.



HeatherStrella, please don't feel guilty for having been the "incentive" for these people to have gotten Otis. It is not your fault at all that they are nightmare owners. Now, having said that, I will drive up to Sacramento (I'm in Los Angeles) and help you kidnap Otis.



Years ago I called the SPCA on a man who had left his Grey while he went on a vacation to Hawaii with his girlfriend for two weeks. The bird was used to having someone around and he put his dogs and cats in a kennel and left the bird in the cage alone for two weeks. The girlfriend's mom came by every other day to dump pellets in and change the water. I called because the Grey was on the floor of the cage and had started yanking feathers. I could see the water had not been changed - probably an honest mistake but jeez!



Anyway, I called the SPCA and they came right out and left a citation and said if the citation had not been replied to within 24 hours they would have the police break in (WOW!) and rescue the bird. It turns out the guy came back the next day and so he did indeed have time to respond to the citation but was mighty pissed. (Too flipping bad, I say.) So perhaps look into calling the SPCA, though depending on who you get, if they are not a "bird person," they may think the bird and its living conditions are just fine.




Thank you for caring about Otis. I admire that you are attempting to help him. Let me know if you want me to drive up.

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Elevenking' date=' are you single? If so, can we please get married? I love all that you said and it shows what a beautiful heart you have. Thank you for taking the time to express what so many of us are no doubt feeling.[/quote']


LOL! I am indeed single as there aren't many who are perceptive as you are. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I went back to my friend's house last week. The bird's water was back to looking like watered down skim milk. It was very low, slimy, disgusting. I tried to be on the sly and cleaned it out...gave him fresh water...but I was caught by my friend...she just laughed it off. The little guy was soooooo thirsty!! His food bowl had a few little seeds in it...that was it. It's obvious they don't feed fresh fruits and veggies...I know some people don't...but just seeds? He looked sickly. When talking to her about AnnaBella's condition (she's been sick) she asked me if her bird could have caught something from me when I visited. I didn't bring my bird, of course, but she thought I maybe carried it over. I told her I would ask my vet...vet said "no". Anyway, I told her again that he looked sick...she acted like I had never told her that before. Then I said that he should have fresh water and that was it. We're no longer speaking...7 years of friendship gone. It's fine with me...everytime I see her or think of her, I think of that bird. She just doesn't get it. Sad!!

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The birdie looks dreadful!!! And I'm not talking about her wings! Can you suggest for mom that she talks to her daughter to put him in a better home so there would be some money for them? Maybe that will be enough motivation. Another thing. Don't you have someone to call about abused animals? We have here a "number" you call and if they assess animal had been neglected and mistreated they take it away. Like a child social service. If you take the bird to the vet yourself and she sees that bird is really bad, can she call someone to take pet away? I saw at my vets a lot of birds. They love and care for them and I think they got it that way (but I'm not sure). Want me to call my vet about it? My heart is breaking seeing this poor bird! :-((((((

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I called the authorities on a bird shop a while ago. The cages were dirty, the water dishes were gross, the birds didn't look right. An officer went in and told the people to clean it up...that was the end of the investigation. They said they have so many cruelty to animal cases that they can't keep up. With that particular case, the birds weren't THAT bad...according to them. I have a feeling the same thing will happen if I call them on my friend. We're still not speaking...which is fine with me....for now. Obviouly we weren't that close afterall.

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Obviouly we weren't that close afterall.


A good friend of mine calls these kind of people "fair weather friends" any kind of disagreement and they are no longer speaking to you, well count your blessings Heather as you do not need those kind of people but I do feel bad about Otis, he is the one suffering for their stupidity.

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I have been reading this whole post all the while trying to figure out how long it would take me to drive from Georgia to the west coast. We went through everything we could for our two boys last year and I can not begin to imagine not doting on Otis, bringing him veggies and cooked beans and making him feel like he matters. We have three dogs and another parrot but when Juno and Kopi were sick and needed attention, they got it. Heather, I am so sorry you have had to witness this. Just reading it and knowing there are people out there without the heart and soul to keep a companion animal takes my breath away. Thank you for trying and trying to convince them to do better for Otis.

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I have a feeling the same thing will happen if I call them on my friend. .

But can you call them any way? Sorry for being pushy but it is eating me alive! :-(

Ask them what is their criteria on how a bird should look like, behave, conditions of the cage, bowls, toys, feathers..and then say what you saw.. Aren't there any fines? Don't they they point someone else to check these birds periodically? This way it doesn't makes sense! The person can say I'll clean and actually do it but in a week neglect the poor bird again :-(((

Maybe your vet could give you some good advice? :-)


PS: I know you want the best for this poor birdie.. I just need to say/mention everything it might help..

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