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Heartbreaking experience at the pet store


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I went into a pet store today that had a Congo Grey that was in horrible condition. He only had feathers on his head, tail, and sporadically on his wings. The rest of him was covered in matted looking down. He was itching constantly and couldn't even stop enough to eye me the whole time I stood there and watched him. So many people walked by and pointed at him laughing. He was oblivious to it all, just itching and scratching the whole time. He was absolutely miserable. When the store clerk came up and asked if she could help me, I told her I was a little concerned about the grey and asked if he had been vet checked. She told me nothing was wrong with him as he was just moulting. I told her that the state of that Grey was most definitely not a moulting issue. She then told me that he was damaging his feathers because he was sexually frustrated. At that point I just sat down what I had in my hands to buy and left. I know that the worse thing I could do is buy that Grey and further promote this horrible pet store, but the state of that poor bird is driving me crazy and breaking my heart. Its all I've thought about all day. This is not a pet store I ever go into, and I just keep kicking myself and asking what in the world possessed me to go in there today.

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Buffy, I can totally relate ever since my friend and I first rescued Angel and then I turned around and rescued Sadie I have been called several times, found people have actually knocked at my door with these poor mistreated birds of all types I live in a very small desert town and news travels fast here but there is only so much that one person can do. I do try and direct them to other places where they may find some help but it is still heart breaking and very hard to get their imagines out of your mind. If I had the room I would foster some of them in hopes of finding them a permanent home but I live in a very small house with too many birds of my own. As a matter of fact I got a call a couple of days ago from a guy that said he has some LIVESTOCK he is trying to find a new home for this so called livestock was a green wing macaw. No feathers to speak of he said to just pour Listerine on him and his feathers will grow back no problem. I had to bite my tongue in order to keep him on the phone long enough to try and help the poor bird he had the nerve to ask 900 dollars for the bird, Livestock is not cheap you know he said....GRRRR But I am with you I would not buy anything from that store and I always make as many phone calls for as much help as I can find in cases like that. Good for you for walking out, pray the poor bird will be rescued.


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Unfortunately, as others said, this is a reality we all face each time we happen to go to a pet store that has a Parrot.


The store probably purchased it off of a complete moron that just wanted to get rid of their Grey that looked so ugly. They never imagined, they probably caused the plucking to start.....


For those that have a grey and it just started plucking regardless of the loving and GreYt care you have given, I am not speaking about you. We could each and every one of us have this happen at some point in time. I know I fret every time I see a feather that appears to have been barbered.

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Thank you all for your kind words. I've thought seriously about rescuing a bird or two and would gladly take this bird in my home. Unfortunately, the bird is on consignment. Just as Danmcq said, the owners no longer want the bird. Unfortunately, we don't have many options in my area for reporting this. There is no local humane society. Our animal control is currently under investigation for some issues of their own, and will not 'rock the boat' by investigating a business I'm sure, but I did call them anyway and report it. The guy on the phone just said ok. I called my avian vet for advice. She said they have gotten many complaints over the years from this pet store and seen many sick puppies that came from them. She confirmed that I didn't have many options as far as reporting it, but did give me the number to the Department of Agriculture to call. I was also thinking about calling a bird rescue like Phoenix Landing for advice. If anyone else has any ideas as to who I can report this to, please let me know. Unfortunately, this bird will just be sent back to its owners as soon as the pet store gets questioned about it. I wish I had handled it differently, and pretended to be interested in the bird. I could have then asked if it would be possible for me to call the owners and ask questions about him. Maybe then, I could have appealed to the owners. I'm thinking I may get a friend to go in there and do that. They may not release the number, but it is worth a try. I was just too mad to think on my feet at the time. I think what is bothering me most, is it looks like this issue could be cleared up with some basic care and a quick trip to the vet. This bird's skin was so dry, it appeared he was just itching himself to death.

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