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Front door sigh

Ray P

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This is a request that I made on another forum and goes back a number of years before I joined the grey forum.

There was a person who had a sign by their front door that said. This is my parrots home too and that they should respect it and if they did not like it they could leave. Or something of that order.

I read this about 6 years or so ago and I though I made a copy of it but I can`t find it if I did.

If any member that has a copy or knows how it goes could you post it as I would like to hang it up in my house by the front door.

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I have a sign that I made hanging in my foyer that says 'The animals live here, you don't so if there is a problem, guess who is going to be asked to leave?' I know it sounds a little rude, but I made it specifically for one friend whose company I do enjoy, but that friend went through a phase of getting nasty with my cat when he tried to sit in his lap. Once I hung the sign, he never complained again and seems to enjoy petting my cat when he jumps in his lap!

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break in make my day they stand on a plate we have, but they are for dogs,

but yes have to find something for my parrot.

they are so many who are close to her cage as they can and they do something I never understood the knocks on her door???

what do they think she will do call came in or what???


I hope you find your plate text again.

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