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First Avian Vet Visit


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Hi everyone, I took my new Timneh to the vet this Saturday. A basic physical was done (just feeling around), weight, basic blood panel, stethoscope for heart and the eyes were examined as well. Had test for parasites and chlamydia as well. Chlamydia test was required because they won't board birds without being done. The appointment took about 45 minutes. The bill was $367.00. Thank goodness I didn't bring my other parrot with me as I'd planned. I knew the bill would be high because I was warned. This still surprised me. I still don't have the results back from the DNA testing and it has now been almost 6 weeks. So still no name for him either. My new guy is doing very well. Does the amount I paid seem excessive to any of you?


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Different vets charge different prices for certain tests. Some vets have a fee for each test. Other vets have a price for the whole package. This is your first visit so all was done and basically there were no problems. The problem may occur in the future by going to a vet for tests that might not be necessary. It doesn't matter whether your bird needs them or not. The vet will still do it. This doesn't apply to everyvet but this answer is just to make you understand things for the future. You would be doing yourself a big favor by reading the link below.



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Thank you, Dave. I did reread the thread you suggested. I got my bird's results back yesterday and everything was fine except for 2 tests and one other thing. For the liver and kidney work up, the machine they were using malfunctioned and the tests have to be rerun. I have to wait three weeks as the vet doesn't want to draw any more blood until then. She said there would be no charge for this. The other thing that was "wrong" was that "non-budding yeast" was detected. She recommended that I use Bragg's unpasteurized organic apple cider vinegar at the rate of 10 ml per liter. I'm already giving this vinegar to all of my pets, except the fish of course. (They get vodka.) Anyone familiar with non-budding yeast and where it could have come from?

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