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Picky Eater


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Ok... maybe not. Now that I'm thinking about it, it was broccoli buds in apple sauce. It was mashed banana & peas. Also, creamed corn with cooked, mashed carrot or orange squash (butternut, acorn, etc).


... just in case it had something to do with Grey taste buds, not Phenix personal preferences :)

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Interesting combinations! :-D I'm certainly give it a try! All of it :-P


PS: Also that I tried today was a smoothie with cooked vegetables and fruit.. Let just say, it didn't go as planed.. I even put some sunflower sees so he'll accidentally eat some of the veggies.. He ate a few seeds and decided it was, obviously, to disgusting to carry on :-S Then I tried to make juice out of it.. He sipped..once.. Eh...

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One thing about those "interesting" combinations... Phenix already really liked applesauce, banana & creamed corn. He'd been eating them "safely" for a while before I got dastardly & started to slip very small quantities of other things in. It might work better if you add very gradually to things Zak already likes however you present it to him. Which may be why the smoothie didn't work out so well.


And how about trying a new tactic with the cup ...a little reverse psychology? :) How determined does Zak get when you tell him "no"? Maybe making him work for it before he gets anything from a cup will be extra motivation. Make sure you know he'll want what he gets when you finally "let" him have any. Put things in there that you like & know he'd really like & be interested in & don't give it to him until he's already been asking for a while.


Then after a few weeks, start slipping some new stuff into the mix.

Edited by birdhouse
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I've noticed with Chili that if I mix his veggies with spices, he enjoys them more. For instance he used to love carrot sticks I cut up for him, but now he just enjoys throwing them. Now he'll only eat carrots if they are cooked and basically mashed. I add fresh ginger to his carrots and he really loves it. Fresh ginger freezes great - you just put the whole root into a ziploc bag. When you want to use it, use a microplane zester to grate it, then return it to the freezer for the next time. Saves on waste since you don't really use that much each time.


I also have a mixture that I made up one day and froze in little portion-sized baggies. It has shredded sweet potato, beet root, turnips, kale, jalapeño peppers, carrots, collard greens (everything is raw), oats, and I think that is it. Chili likes it, but only if he sees me eating it first. So I have to take pinches from his food and make a big deal about how yummy it is, then he'll eat it.


I've also noticed that he loves it when I add cayenne pepper and cinnamon to his food. So I try to get creative with spices instead of the actual vegetables and so far so good.


Oh and the eggs? Beyond love, but I only give them every now and then. Seems a little cannibalistic to me (he he) but he doesn't seem to mind that he is eating one of his fine-feathered friends. I think he'd live on eggs if I let him!

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Wow, how many new ideas!! I wouldn't think of that in million years! Tnx so much!!

And I didn't know parrots can eat spices!? Great to know!


And a report! Zak ate eggs with RPO today! Finally! I ate mine (without RPO) but he wouldn't touch food from the plate. He was interested but waited till I gave him with a fork! Crazy little thing!

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Have you found spices that aren't okay? I only seem to be able to find lists of ones that are okay. Onion powder/dried onion flakes wouldn't be safe. Also salt or any spice mixtures that contain salt or onion. What else?

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I really don't know. It may be an urban myth. Somehow, I've gotten the feeling that there are some bad spices, but, like you, can't find specifics. So, I just err on the side of caution & only offer spices I've specifically seen ok'd.


My guys don't like them, so it's a non-issue at my house, anyway.

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