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Lucy is comming home.


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Well, I'm sure you're not sleeping tonight.... I got on tonight just to check on the progress of her homecoming. I am thrilled to read that today will be the day. My thoughts and well wishes are with you. I know how long you have anticipated her arrival and now she will be home with you at last. She is one very fortunate little birdie and I am sure that Rambo will adjust to your new addition. It won't take that long. Dorian, has adjusted just fine and Sunshine and he are out together all the time with no problems. Relax, Enjoy and take a lot of pictures. Have a Wonder Holiday Season!!!



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Help. Stress today she home. How bloody big is she. I'm scared she's going to pick me up and fly off. Lol. Thanks for the messages. I'll do so pics when we are a bit settled it's been mad today picking her home it's a long way away and there was snow. But she is home. All good so far. Just nee time to organise and get settled in the new routine.

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