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New things scare me


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So my 9 month old African Gray have been doing quite well since we've been together. I have one question however. I'm always trying to get him to see new things and objects that are both different in shapes and sizes, but also safe to bite and chew. Some items I've had a bit of struggle getting him use to though. When he fluffs up and starts to growl is it better for the object to just "go away" or to stay there for a long period of time in from of him? How do you introduce things to your gray?

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we (me n hubby or kids)play with what ever new item we are trying to introduce and laugh and carry on like total idiots making the new item look fun, this usually engages ozzie's attention but we do it from a comfortable distance and then leave it on show at the far side of the room, so its not immediately threatening to him if he is unsure of the item and depending on size/colour/interest it can be immediate and wanting the item or take several days or sometimes (rarely) not at all...eg parrot piniata and a puzzle chest ozzie wasnt having any of it, was scared, didnt want to know, we played with small donkey piniata and chest for weeks on end and he was still terrified if you went within 4 or 5 foot so we gave those up as a dead loss lol, just remember to make them fun, never force them on him andbe patient, he will sharp let you know if he is interested or not lol, good luck :)

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Normally Kookie is always interested in new things if they are small, apple size or less, but whenever they get bigger, he is either curious or scared...I took the advice of some members here and I introduced the boa slowly, first I put it at the far end of the room, then caressed it and played with it several times saying the word nice and good boy...everyday I brought it a bit closer and finally I put it on the floor bellow his cage and tied some almonds to it. In 2 hours the almonds have vanished and I knew that Kookie was not scared anymore. He kept off it for few days, and climbed on it only if there were some almonds on....now he is on it almost all the time hanging and swinging like a monkey...


The best way is a slow introduction, though it doesn't work with everything. Despite all the things I tried with the harness, Kookie still would not accept it on him, he gets terrified....


You have to keep trying and introduce slowly. The more your grey gets introduced to new stuff the less he is scared from other stuff.


Have fun & good luck

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Phenix is afraid of everything new no matter the size. But he's an extreme case from an abused background.


Everything gets left within sight for days. Then I play with it for days. When he starts to be more interested than concerned, I can try it in the cage so long as I talk him thru it. But it won't be well received inspite of all this.


If he avoids it, then I'll leave it & eventually, he'll probably play with it. Although, that can take months.


If he looks alarmed by it, I'll usually leave it for a little while to see if he calms down. 50/50 that he'll calm down.


If he growls & is openly afraid of it, it comes out in a couple of minutes. I'll usually try the whole process again in a couple of weeks. Most times, my ekkie gets a new toy, which is a nice fail safe option.


I've also found certain things that will freak Phenix out, every time. For instance, he's terrified of see thru florescent plastic, for some reason. :confused:

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I kinda wish Brutus was scared of anything! He isn't, and goes over to investigate new things right away. I have to watch him like a hawk so he doesn't get in trouble.

I read that introducing new things will help keep your bird from becoming neurotic. Birds with small stable routines can become easily upset when something changes. Change creates resiliency. Because of this we try to keep changing toys, types of foods, and even taking him downtown in a portable cage and introducing him to strangers. He used to be afraid of dogs---but no longer. We invite our neighbors over, and their kids, and dogs to say, "hello" to Brutus. He really likes people now, especially when they say his name. I think he kind of feels like a rock star, because everyone knows him.

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Guest Kali_the_Destroyer

Kali is completely neurotic and terrified of anything new. I showed her my baby guinea pigs: growling, hissing etc. One day I had a large potato in my hand for dinner, and she started growling & hissing at that too, daft bird. She's scared of towels if I put one on her cage floor, she's scared of me if I have sunglasses or a hat on ....


I show her new things all the time & she is getting better, more trusting. I tend to pick things up in my mouth so she can see it's safe for me, so might be safe for her. She still hates guinea pigs though

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