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Mort's Dad

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Quick question (2 actually) on the best way to manage dosing of calcium and vitamins.


1. Both the calcium and vitamins are 'add to food and ensure its eaten' type dosing. Mort is a bit enthusiastic in his table manners and seems to have days where a particular food is eaten less than another. How do you ensure that the full dose is eaten? I don't want to over-dose on the basis of likely wastage but it would appear unless it is applied to a particular serving of a mash or similar it is difficult to monitor. I don't see that adding to water is very practical as he doesn't seem to drink that much and the dosage in his water bowl would be tiny!


2. Should I give him a mineral block as well as the normal supplements? He has a cuttlefish he sometimes gnaws on ... seems more of a toy to him than a food. Not sure if the mineral block in addition would mean he would get too much - are parrots self regulating in this sort of thing!


I imaging that deficiencies/overdose would be a fairly gradual process but want to make sure I am getting as near to optimal as possible.



Thanks in advance

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Had Mort at the vet for his initial checkup and discussed it with her. On her suggestion I think I am also going to try switching to Harrison's and see how he does on it. Reading the Harrison's literature they say it is not recommended to "suppliment" with vitamins etc but then go on to talk about supplimenting with veggies etc (not best use of language IMHO).


So in answer to your question they are suggesting 90% Harrison's and 10% "certified organic vegetables and fruits in small quantities ..."


I had an interesting chat re avian lighting and how this affects vitamin take up etc (amongst other things!) so have already ordered up a light :-)


Hope that helps

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