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Lost Grey in downtown Austin


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I'm so sorry this has taken you on such a crazy journey. Given what you've said, it sounds like this last lead could be very legit. I honestly think it's better to have the police involved because this can potentially get dangerous.


I can't really imagine our local news media getting involved with something like this, unless it was a very, very slow news day... maybe. It's really wonderful that you've got such a great resource to help with your search! Good luck!!

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UPDATE: Been speaking on and off this week with the man who informed me about seeing Mino with this "Robert" character. He noted that the man was acting extremely boisterous, flaunting very loudly about how he had a parrot. His wife even said that it seemed like he was using the bird to get laid. The police also told me that they asked around and made announcements over the PA at the soup kitchens in the homeless community and nobody has heard anything about a man with a parrot.


This leads me to believe that this man isn't really homeless, and was downtown on New Years Eve just to mingle. It also brings me back to this call I received the day before our FOX story aired. A man (who matches "robert"'s profile) called me from a blocked number. He claimed that he had Mino, but was more interested in teh reward. I kind of blew him off because he seemed disingenuous, but now that I look back on it, there were 2 things that struck me about that call. 1) He said he lived in Riverside. This is important because at the time we hadn't put any flyers in Riverside, it was only AFTER the news story aired that people called us to say they'd seen a grey parrot in that area. 2) I usually ask people that claim they have Mino what color his eyes are to screen out the false claims. He was the only person to get it correct. For some reason the guy eventually got overly impatient and stared saying that Mino was dead and whether I was willing to pay half the reward for the body... My fiancee picked up the phone to talk to him and he hung up on us.


Regardless of that guy's validity, I've got enough confidence in this "Robert" lead that I'm now shifting the focus of our search towards looking for this man and assuming that Mino has already been found. We'll probably print out new flyers but I'm not sure yet what to write on them as I have to decide whether I should try to convince this person to call us for the reward, or ask for people to report any new bird sounds they may have started hearing. The spanish radio stations have agreed to announce a bulletin, and I've been in touch with Fox again to see if they'll do an update on the story.


I suppose the good news here is that with the upcoming cold weather, at least there's a good chance that Mino's not out in the elements. Also it doesn't seem like this guy is shy about having a parrot, so he shoudl turn up again soon.

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Now, you're in a very tough place. If this Robert character has somebody's bird, he's not a nice person. You don't want give him any reason to do something radical because he's spooked or angry.


And while you've come to believe that he's got Mino, that isn't necessarily the case. So if you start to focus your campaign on Robert vs Mino, it might just waste more time.


I really don't know how you accommodate both of those things going forward.

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Well the thing is, the couple that saw him and spoke to him said he was calling the bird Mino. And he was very certain about it because he says he listens to an artist whose name is Maino and sounds exactly the same.


In this situation, when there's a snake in the grass, you use a fire to smoke him out. I think I'm going to print new flyers (English and Spanish on same page) that ask if people have heard bird squawking, or seen this man along with a description. But on the same flyer I will also add a thank you to the man who's found him and has been taking care of him in this cold weather, and kindly request that we just want Mino back and are paying a cash reward no questions asked.


My thinking is that he will get paranoid someone will tell on him and eventually decide that it may just be more worth his while to turn over the bird to us. What do you guys think?



Now, you're in a very tough place. If this Robert character has somebody's bird, he's not a nice person. You don't want give him any reason to do something radical because he's spooked or angry.


And while you've come to believe that he's got Mino, that isn't necessarily the case. So if you start to focus your campaign on Robert vs Mino, it might just waste more time.


I really don't know how you accommodate both of those things going forward.

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One more thing you might do - are there any bird stores or pet stores in Riverside? Since that is the focus of your search now, you might want to drop by any pet stores in Riverside and see if anyone remembers a man of Robert's description buying bird supplies.



I am still thinking you'll get him back. Just keep going - follow up on everything and just ... keep ... going.



Hoping for good news from you guys soon.

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I do have a nagging concern that if this man becomes paranoid or scared of repercussions for keeping the bird, he may do away with Mino to get rid of the evidence. Or he may try to sell Mino to someone else so he gets rid of the evidence and also gets the "reward."


Perhaps you might consider first trying just the "thank you" version of the flier and increasing the reward.


Whatever you choose to do, I wish you success in finding Mino.

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I've been thinking about you and your Mino. Sounds like you have a good lead. It saddens me to think that someone would knowingly steal another person's pet. To us, our pets are like children and this is on the level of kidnapping a child just because you want one of your own. So, so, sad.


I pray that you are able to get Mino back soon. Thanks for all the updates. I haven't commented until now but have been following your story closely.

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We've recently began distributing new english and spanish flyers with the intent of looking for this man. Regarding the police it looks like I will have to wait until a detective is assigned to the case. We're currently playing phone tag so hopefully I can get a hold of someone soon.


There's a good chance someone from KVUE will pick up the story and do a little thing on it on the local news regarding looking out for this guy on saturday so fingers crossed on that.


I actually had lunch with the couple that spotted this man with Mino recently. After having spoken with them at length, I am more sure than ever that the bird they saw was Mino just judging from what they said the bird was saying and it's behavior. Unfortunately they described the guy as kind of a "scumbag" so it's likely he's already seen our flyers and has for some reason or other decided not to return him. But one thing they noted is that this man had a large gold ring, which made them believe that he wasn't homeless, which confirms my theories. The couple has been very helpful, even volunteering to put up flyers so hopefully we get a tip soon.


I've been thinking lately that it's ironic that I resent this man for not returning Mino to us, but at the same time realizing that he probably saved Mino's life because the majority of last week has been close to freezing temperatures.

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Thanks for the update. Sounds like you have appropriately narrowed it down to locating this man. All I can say is, he would have to be a real scumbag to knowingly keep another person's bird when he knows they are searching for it.


Best of luck. Praying for you.

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I was hoping we would get an update, I was really hoping you had found Mino and had him back safe and sound but I think you will soon, that is after you find the scumbag who more than likely has Mino, I would be all over him like stink on s..., well you get the picture.

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I've been thinking lately that it's ironic that I resent this man for not returning Mino to us, but at the same time realizing that he probably saved Mino's life because the majority of last week has been close to freezing temperatures.


That is such a great way to think of it and you are absolutely right. The guy is a total jerk, but even total jerks can be used for good. :)


Sorry if you've already mentioned this, but is Mino banded or is there some other way you'll have to prove he is yours? Also, how is the guy bringing Mino out around people - is he bringing him out in a cage?


Sounds like everything is moving along is just the right direction. Praying you get him back SOON!!!!

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Sorry, but unfortunately I think it's just a waiting game now. I have received calls from people saying they will look out for this character though. I'm going to redistribute new flyers to all the residences downtown so people will know to look for this person. I've also talked to apt maintenance managers who go in and out of apts on Riverside all the time and they are on the lookout. A taxi cab driver even called to say they are trying to find this guy.


The police are being pretty slow about getting back to me, as I'm sure they have other urgent matters to attend to. Sooner or later this person will have to reveal himself. I hate to stereotype and judge, but someone of his socio-economic description isn't usually associated with an African Grey so people will notice these things.

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You may think I'm totally off track responding like I do but have you ever thought about promising him a reward (pretending you will view him as an honest finder). I am pretty sure from the things you write about what you know of him that he will want to sell Mino. Then, a financial reward will make him come forward.


Sorry, but unfortunately I think it's just a waiting game now. I have received calls from people saying they will look out for this character though. I'm going to redistribute new flyers to all the residences downtown so people will know to look for this person. I've also talked to apt maintenance managers who go in and out of apts on Riverside all the time and they are on the lookout. A taxi cab driver even called to say they are trying to find this guy.


The police are being pretty slow about getting back to me, as I'm sure they have other urgent matters to attend to. Sooner or later this person will have to reveal himself. I hate to stereotype and judge, but someone of his socio-economic description isn't usually associated with an African Grey so people will notice these things.

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In the most recent flyers I put in a box (if you've found him, thank you for taking care of him, we just want him back, and we will give you $1500 in cash no questions asked and also compensate for any supplies you've purchased to care for him)


Hopefully this will sway this person from trying to profit off of Mino.

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Great. If that's the going price for people buying a Grey like that I am sure that will convince him.


I will keep my fingers crossed. I know how much heart ache this is causing you....


In the most recent flyers I put in a box (if you've found him, thank you for taking care of him, we just want him back, and we will give you $1500 in cash no questions asked and also compensate for any supplies you've purchased to care for him)


Hopefully this will sway this person from trying to profit off of Mino.

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Argh, another hopeful lead, another dead end. A lady had called saying a friend saw a black guy with a grey parrot at the 04 lounge on south congress. I went and checked it out, but apparently there's a big burly white guy who has a grey who goes in there frequently. The staff have pictures of the grey from thanksgiving which is before Mino got away so definitely not him... I was really hoping this would have corroborated the "robert" story, but it looks like I will have to keep waiting.


The police department has finally gotten back to me though and I spoke with a detective and it sounds like they're willing to do the phone trace, although it may take a few weeks. Looks like it will take some more patience and a stroke of good luck.

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Good job on following up every lead and keeping going. I know this has been brutal on your emotions. Just keep going, and know that this group of people on this board are behind you all the way. We are all rooting for you and sending you good thoughts and hopes that Mino will be back with you soon.




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