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Lost Grey in downtown Austin


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No word yet. I think we have to really expand the flyer posting areas. we're still staying pretty close to the downtown area and riverside that we still haven't flyered up. What I've been doing is after getting a sighting I go to that area and laden it heavily with flyers. I still think I'm too "concentrated" with the flyer distribution because there are still areas around downtown that I haven't put flyers within a 1 mile radius simply because I've been focused on areas where there have been sightings.


However I'm almost certain by now someone has already found him and that person just needs a little "motivation" to return him. Unfortunately there are plenty of people who may not voluntarily seek out a bird's owner unless they knew there's something in it for them. In which case if they don't know if there's a reward, they don't see any reason to make an attempt to find the owner.

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Yes, I agree someone has found Mino and is enjoying him, but most important keeping him safe. Hopefully his "rescuer" will see that he must be loved very much by his real owners because how else could he have such a great personality/manner and vocabulary. Once my beloved German Shepard was picked up by the river of my home and take into town. I placed a lost ad and they called, they told me they loved my Sugar (they named her Sweetie) had taken her on a trip to the beach with them but realized that she was well-mannered, well trained and very healthy so must be much loved. They reluctantly called the number in the lost and found ad. My tears of joy and Sugar's leaps of joy where enough to let them know that they were right to return Sugar to her rightful home. I pray Mino's rescuer will also have such a good heart.

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I would keep a stack of flyers in my car, and in my purse, and in my work/school bag, and post them everywhere and anywhere you happen to go. Even if someone living in or near downtown might have him, people are so mobile so they might not see a flyer near where they live but they might happen to see a flyer who-knows-where when they are out and about in their daily life. Just keep going. I firmly believe that the flyers are going to be key in you getting your birdy back, just as flyers were key to me getting my bird back when he accidentally got away.


Still hoping for you, and sending healing thoughts your way. I know you're probably emotionally exhausted but you must simply keep going.

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The detective told me the trace usually takes around 3 weeks to process due to approval from the DA and a grand jury... I'm waiting to hear the results on that.


Going to start posting flyers all over town this week in a much more spread out fashion and will probably bump up the reward as well. A man called me today to say he found a blue front amazon today, but I don't recall anyone looking for one at least from craigslist.


Still no one has corroborated the story of the loitering man with parrot downtown so I'm starting to think that might be inaccurate info. I must admit it's more difficult to get myself to go keep putting up flyers, but I don't plan on giving up anytime soon. I still get random "sightings" of african greys but they're all over the place, with someone even claiming there is a population of feral greys that live and breed here.

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I wouldn't give up either as Mino is still missing and someone has him, I am sure of that and you will find him or the person who has him will turn him in for the reward, I continue to hold good thoughts that he is returned safe and sound.

I highly doubt there is a population of "feral greys" living there, they are mistaking pigeons for greys.

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Thank you for keeping us in mind during your troubling times. You are doing the hard stuff and it wreaks havoc with your emotions and sanity. We are all hoping to hear someone bring you good news, or better, to bring Mino home to you. You just never know what connections are going on behind the scenes that someone who knows someone will connect with exactly the right person to bring you the happiest reunion.

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Interestingly enough I got that call from a guy who owns several greys and claims he's lived in Austin his entire life. He said back in the early 80s Austin (which was still just a small college town) had a bit of a job boom and when everything went south all the "rich folks" that moved here set their parrots free. And he claims that there are wild greys roaming Zilker park.... I know the part about the job boom/bust to be true but otherwise very far fetched and definitely the first time I've heard anything like this. But hey at least he seemed to believe what he was saying. <shrug> who knows?


I wouldn't give up either as Mino is still missing and someone has him, I am sure of that and you will find him or the person who has him will turn him in for the reward, I continue to hold good thoughts that he is returned safe and sound.

I highly doubt there is a population of "feral greys" living there, they are mistaking pigeons for greys.

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That's a very interesting story about the feral greys. I used to spend a lot of time in Zilker Park around that time and after, and I don't remember seeing any sign of them.


Would you mind sharing what you are currently offering as a reward? I would like to update that information at Gallery of Pets, where I have been keeping them abreast of your search. They sell parrot cages and supplies, and I thought it would be good for them to be fully aware of what's going on with Mino.


All the best....

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Thanks Birdnut, we're offering $2000 as a reward for his return and $500 for information that leads us to him. Also if you could private message me your email address, I can send you the latest flyers that we're using.


That's a very interesting story about the feral greys. I used to spend a lot of time in Zilker Park around that time and after, and I don't remember seeing any sign of them.


Would you mind sharing what you are currently offering as a reward? I would like to update that information at Gallery of Pets, where I have been keeping them abreast of your search. They sell parrot cages and supplies, and I thought it would be good for them to be fully aware of what's going on with Mino.


All the best....

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Still no sign of him yet unfortunately, At least the weather has been cooperating recently so if he is still out there he won't be suffering. We still need to distribute the flyers in a much larger radius, I've been mostly doing it by bike, but figure it's time to get in the car and hit up all the grocery stores/post offices/schools in Austin.


Interestingly enough there have been parrots (A blue front and a double yellowhead Amazon) that have been found recently but I never saw any listings for them being lost (at least not recently) so it's possible he's still out there roaming around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing so far, I'm still waiting on this number trace thing from the detective but they're kind of taking a long time so I need to harass them. I put up some more flyers in parking lots of HEBs/Randalls and plan on doing so for targets and walmarts as well around Austin. They'll probably tear them down, but not until after a few people have seen the signs at least.


Alerting the local rescue organizations and pet clinics was one of the first things we did, I've also tried keeping in contact with them to see if they've heard anything recently.


I realize our chances of getting him back aren't good, but at this point I see no point in not putting forth any effort when I have some free time.

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I would also make a SIMPLE flyer and post it in your car windows. That way it's a roaming advertisement and where ever you guys go, your cars will have the ads.


Recently I saw a great poster for a lost pet in my neighborhood. It was simply a picture of the pet - the pic took up most of the page - and the word "LOST" above the pic, and a phone number below it. There were $$$ signs after the word "LOST" so in just a very simple poster, you got the information needed - that it's a lost pet, what the pet looks like, and a phone number to call if you see the pet, as well as that there is a reward involved.


Since the flyer would be on your car, I'd suggest side windows in the back, so that you don't get pulled over for obstructing your view.


I really hope you get Mino back soon. I firmly believe if you keep plastering flyers all over the place, and spend every spare moment devoted to this process, that you will be reunited. And keep calling that detective, by the way. I know for a fact that detectives are at least partially motivated by the human emotions exhibited by the people whose cases they work on. So be friendly but persistent with the detective.

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