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Lost Grey in downtown Austin


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This is my personal opinion. But it sounds to me like the person/people who found a grey have decided they want to keep it. If I had lost a grey in their area I would do a reverse number on the telephone number and get an address then I would call up the man who lost his banded grey and the see if he wanted to take a trip with me to check out this grey. If the people won't let you see it perhaps it is also not banded and it could be Mino! These peoples actions seem rather strange to me and I would leave no stone unturned!

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I actually spoke with the lady's father today (who has a grey himself). They had the guy over for a few hours, but he said the bird didn't respond to him like you would think a grey would towards his owner. The man told the finders of the bird's catch phrases, but they said they haven't heard him say any of those things. The man even asked if I would be interested in taking this bird off their hands and care for it... This whole situation is just becoming a mess.



This is my personal opinion. But it sounds to me like the person/people who found a grey have decided they want to keep it. If I had lost a grey in their area I would do a reverse number on the telephone number and get an address then I would call up the man who lost his banded grey and the see if he wanted to take a trip with me to check out this grey. If the people won't let you see it perhaps it is also not banded and it could be Mino! These peoples actions seem rather strange to me and I would leave no stone unturned!
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A guy had called me a couple of days ago saying that he had seen a parrot on the ground at the parking lot of the Walgreens on Riverside just looking at him, but they just walked away. Not sure if it was him, but he said it was bigger than the quaker parrots and not a bird like he had ever seen before. We put alot of flyers in that area, but it's mostly apartments and not many people were out over the holidays.


Another homeless guy told me that he had seen a grey flocking with the quakers, not sure if he was confusing Mino with pigeons, but he swears he saw a red tail. This will be the second time someone has said they've seen him with quakers. Is it far fetched to think that he's flying around with a flock of quaker parrots?


Haven't heard much over the holidays, understandly so, but I think I'm going to check out those flea markets around riverside just in case someone picked him up.

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It certainly sounds like Mino is flocking with some quakers and that he is managing fine outdoors. I would trust the testimony of that homeless person, as I'm very sure he knows what pigeons look like. It had occurred to me that inquiring among the homeless downtown might be useful, as they are outdoors in that area a lot.

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It would make sense if the quaker parrots have adapted to the conditions there, Mino is certainly intelligent enough to watch them and find warmth and food. It is admirable for you to keep going and going and to track down every lead. It will be a day of huge celebration if you have a sighting of Mino and he is able to reunite with you, my prayers are with you always.

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wzhang, I posted this separately, but thought I'd include it here, too, just in case you didn't see the other posting. Try findtoto.com if you like - and by the way, I am not affiliated in any way with that site. They say they havfe an 85% success rate and it is an unusual site in that they make phone calls to your surrounding neighbors. It is not free, but it is reasonably-priced.



I've been checking back hoping for good news regarding Mino. I am really hoping the two of you are back together soon. Keep going, follow up on every single lead, and know that we are all rooting for you.

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So this younger guy calls me last night and says he knows this old guy who found a parrot. The guy sounds like he's pretty sure it's a grey parrot (afterall how many parrots are there with red tails). He tells me the apt complex the guy lives in but couldn't take me there last night. I arranged to meet him this morning to go see the bird.


I call him at the arrange time, his brother answers and says he's out. I call multiple more times during the day and he either doesn't pick up or someone else answers and says he's not there. I leave messages saying to call me back but no word. I went to the apt complex but there are so many units. We tried going door to door but eventually gave up because so many people wouldn't answer the door.


What do you guys make of this situation? Do you think he's trying to get the bird from the guy himself so he can get the full reward or something? I'm starting to think this is just another BS lead... after getting really optimistic yesterday.

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What do you guys make of this situation? Do you think he's trying to get the bird from the guy himself so he can get the full reward or something? I'm starting to think this is just another BS lead... after getting really optimistic yesterday.


How frustrating for you!


That is very odd. Your theory about wanting the reward for himself is very plausible. Why would he call you like that if someone hadn't found a parrot? Still, I would be careful following up these leads. Don't go alone. I will be very anxious to hear how this lead develops. All the best.

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Post fliers in the laundry room and near the mailboxes. Post signs saying reward for information leading to the bird. Someone in that apt complex will know their neighbor has a bird, etc.


This is maddening and I hope that this resolves for the better and soon. And please be careful - might be innocent but might not.


And regarding not answering the door - I don't know if you are female or not but maybe bring a female with you if you are male and smile after you knock. If you look angry or anxious, people looking through the peephole might not answer. I know this sounds crazy but it's true. (Many years ago I did door-to-door work and learned a lot about what makes people answer and what makes them ignore you.) Also, you might surreptitiously check off each apartment that you talk to - make sure you hit every single apartment in that complex, no matter how many times you have to go back. And above all, be cooperative and courteous with anyone who works there - managers, janitors, maintenance personnel, etc.


Hoping for the best for you and Mino. Keep going - we are all rooting for you.

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I just received perhaps the most bizarre lead tonight. A guy who's visiting Austin from Colorado called and said he'd seen Mino on Friday night in the middle of downtown. He'd been captured by a homeless man (who he described in detail) who was showing the bird off and there was a crowd of people gathered. He even said the homeless man called the bird Mino, and he remembered this because the caller says he listens to an artist named Mino (sp?) He also said it was a grey parrot with a red tail.


The story does hold water in that I know the location the caller described (6th and lavaca) does frequently have homeless "performers" on weekend nights (remember this is new years eve). This story is so weird that I asked him repeatedly if he was messing with me and he insists that he wasn't and that would a terrible thing to do to someone.


What do you guys think? Is this story's so strange (not to mention it makes all the other leads irrelevant) that there could actually be some truth to it? I'm not even sure how to look for this man, I don't know if I can wait until the weekend to see if he's out there. I suppose start at the homeless shelter and ask around?


I also need to add that 2 weeks ago I did receive a very questionable call from someone that claims that they had Mino. Although the guy was fully intent on collecting the reward and not much else. He sounded very fishy and eventually even said that Mino was dead and wanted money for the body. My fiancee wanted to talk to him, but he eventually hung up and never called back. The reason I mention this is because I always ask people what color his eyes are to block out the BS callers. But this guy actually got it right and said yellow.

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What do you guys think? Is this story's so strange (not to mention it makes all the other leads irrelevant) that there could actually be some truth to it? I'm not even sure how to look for this man, I don't know if I can wait until the weekend to see if he's out there. I suppose start at the homeless shelter and ask around?




That is worth checking out and the homeless shelter is the first place to start, it is amazing how many leads you have been given to find out they are bogus, it seems to bring out the worst of the lot.

I am glad to hear you are continuing to look for Mino, I have a feeling you are going to find him and soon, I will keep good thoughts that he be found soon.

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If you have reason to think there's a person who knowingly has your bird, that would be theft & I would think you would have grounds to ask the police to keep an eye out for the "entertainer". You wouldn't have to press charges or anything. But you might get someone official watching for him.


And/or you could talk to the locals who work in the area. Busboys emptying trash & wait staff serving in sidewalk cafes, employees who step outside for a break. Who's regularly part of the nightlife downtown who might have seen him & be willing to give you a call if this guy came around again?


And again, posters. Maybe the local area businesses will let you put some up inside?


I really hope this call finally gets Mino home to you. Good Luck!

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And/or you could talk to the locals who work in the area. Busboys emptying trash & wait staff serving in sidewalk cafes, employees who step outside for a break. Who's regularly part of the nightlife downtown who might have seen him & be willing to give you a call if this guy came around again?




Greyt advice Val, I never thought of that but you have been right on top of giving ideas of how and where to look for Mino from the tip given, excellent.

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St. David's Episcopal Church downtown also has a center where they have services for the homeless. The center is called Trinity Center, and the door is at 8th and Trinity. When you are following up on the lead involving the homeless man, you might stop by there.

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Is there a "skid row" type place in Austin, like there is here in LA? Maybe you could go there and look around.


Be careful how you word it, though, as you don't want to alarm the guy and have him hide Mino. I'd almost be afraid to say anything, lest they take off with him. But you have to talk to some folks, is the thing. Anyway, keep going, as I, like others on here, believe you'll have Mino back home if you keep putting one foot in front of the other and follow up on everything.

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So I finally managed to get the Austin police department on the case. Filed a report and now there will be some officers trying to do some investigating on whether this "homeless" guy with a parrot can be found. For all I know he may not even be homeless, just wanted to hang out on New year's eve.


KXAN has also called and it seems like they are seriously considering doing a story regarding this whole situation as well, hopefully all this publicity will reach somebody who can lead us to Mino.


I've been considering the validity of this most recent lead and I've found absolutely no reason why this person wouldn't be telling the truth. He says he is not interested in the reward, he's not from Austin, and has been forthright with information anytime I've asked for it to add to the police report. I'm really crossing my fingers and hoping that we've finally narrowed down the focus of our search this time.

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