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OK, This is egg #5 am I over re-acting ?


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This is egg #5 and I am starting to get upset am I over re-acting? It also cracked because she laid it while standing on her play stand. I hope she doesn't try and replace it too. I thought maybe getting her out of her cage to play on the play gym might help get her mind off of egg laying it obviously didn't work should I just leave her in her cage all day? I am so sorry for being a pain in the rear about this but an egg laying hen is all new to me and I don't want to have something happen to Sadie because of my ignorance. Thanks, Karen :confused:

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If she's already had 5 infertile eggs, it's time to go to the vet to be checked out. She's still an adolescent bird and she needs the vet to look at her. It's important that you do that now. 5 eggs are way over the limit for a grey to normally have. Her internal system might get damaged.


Karen this was Dave's answer in the thread about fake eggs, I would have her checked out for laying all those eggs will deplete her calcium.
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Get to the vet immediately. As Judy and Dave have said, her calcium is low and her internal organs are in jeopardy. The vet can give her a simple hormone shot to halt the egg laying and can check vitamin levels in the blood.

I would recommend talking to your vet about why this might be happening, such as lighting levels, petting, sounds, etc. It's one thing to correct the symptoms, but it's more important to try to find and fix the cause.

Good luck and let us know what the vet says!

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I've never bred any birds except tiels & that was because I had a hen who left me no choice when she started continuously laying eggs.


So, I'm only asking


... I thought that 4-5 was a large, but not uncommonly large clutch for a grey?


... Is there a male in the group & is it possibly part of this?


Sorry Karen, this must be nerve wracking. I know you'd rather this hadn't happened at least until you'd had her fed up & healthy for a while. So, I hope you can get it under control soon.

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I don't think you are over reacting one bit, I would be worried and upset too. I agree that she needs to be evaluated by a vet and you can get advice on her routine that may make it so she stops trying to start a family I haven't had this problem with my female so I really don't know what to do to help you, just know I care and I believe in you to work with her to find the right solution. One thing that I read was how important it is for females especially to have twelve hours of darkness a day because it mimicks the "off season" from the African areas where our birds originated. That was why we put Java in a night time cage and keep her bed time stable. Good luck with getting it sorted. I think she decided she hit the jackpot for her forever home and is trying to fill your life with chicks just like Sadie!

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