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Cold symptoms?


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Kaan has been a little bit off the last couple of days, and I was thinking earlier that his eyes seem bigger or more wide just this morning. When I got home from work tonight I noticed he had liquid which seems to have come from a nostral....


It has been very cold here lately although i have been keeping the room warm as much as possible but I read before that birds don't get colds so anyone have any ideas?

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I would take him to the vet immediately. Birds usually are very sick by the time they start to show symptoms. How is he acting? Normal or quieter than usual, how is his appetite?

Birds DO get respiratory infections, I know, cause Talon had one ans she was quite sick...I didn't sleep for 2 days I was so worried she's die, and kept her in my room with me.


Please keep us posted...:(

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He's acting normal, and his appetite certainly isn't effected! It's only that I spend so much time with him that i've noticed at all. He has been doing the very occasional little bird sneeze but what I think looked like snot i've only seen once.


I will get him booked into the vets anyways, he's due a checkup.

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