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Non chewing grey??

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Hello, So I am brand new to this site and a new owner of a 4 year old grey. I had a 28 year old grey and she passed 3 years ago. We just adopted this beautiful grey “chachi” yesterday.


So here is my question he came with his cage so he is used to it. But I bought him toys and he seems scared of them. The previous owner had no toys, so I don’t think that he has ever played with them. He also had his beaked trimmed because it was so long. He has been checked by my avian vet and he is very healthy, but I don’t think that he knows how to keep his beak up. He doesn’t seem to bite/chew on anything. From the looks of his perches there is no sign that he has chewed anything. I know the whole process is going to take a while; I just don’t want him to be frightened of these brightly colored objects that now hang in his cage.

Also one more question, I was reading a grey book and it mentioned the “blanket game” Is this something I should try with Chachi? I know I don’t have his trust yet no does he have mine, all that comes with time, but I thought this would be a good bonding game to play.

Any advice?


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Hi mcclain32 and welcome to the forum

I would give her a chance settle in first and just sit and talk with her and let her get to know you.

When she is ready she will come around as she starts to trust you so don`t rush her.

Sit by her cage sing eat read talk and she will come over to join in. In her time

Again welcome and you will here from other members to welcome you.

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Even with my baby (6 months yesterday) I introduce new toys gently. He take about 24 hours so I hang the new toy outside of his cage for a day and then move it inside after I see that he is exploring it through the bars. It might take more than one day for another bird. Patience, patience, patience is the key for anything new including human interaction. Good luck to you!

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It's great that you're already familiar with grey thinking. It's no doubt going to prove very helpful insite into Chachi's personality. But one day in is too soon for him to know that you're good people & he's found a greyt home. Depending on his personality, it make take months to fully trust you. So take it very slowly.


Which would also be a good mind set with his toys. If he has truly been deprived for all these years, he should really be introduced to playing from the ground up. If he's okay with being handled, then you might find an unwaxed paper cup. qtip or coffee filter & see if you can get him to start shredding it. If he will, then put it in his cage with him.


I like cups, because once they find out that they're fun, you can fill them & use them to transition to other things. You can tie them from the top of the cage & get him used to a hanging toy. You can leave it at the bottom of the cage & see if he'll carry it around like a foot toy.


Chachi's already got a lot to adjust to. Big toys can be intimidating to any bird. So for right now, you might want to leave them out of his cage.

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Great advise everyone Thank you!! I have taken his big toys out and hung them outside his cage. He is on his bird stand and I gave him a paper straw and he is crewing on it as I type this!!

I am really enjoying this site and the insight from other grey owners!!

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Straws??? Oh, boy!!! BIG fun! Tuck the ends into each other & they make little triangles that don't hold up for long, but are fun. Make them into a chain and it lasts a few minutes longer. But strawbursts are the best! Kura wouldn't even wait for me to hang this one. She just snatched it while I was trying to take down whatever was left of the old one.


Maybe Chachi would like some things on the homemade toy forum?


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Yay, another one. I also have a non-chewer. Dorians' first owner only supplied acrylic toys, never any wood or paper, and he came to me not knowing that greys were supposed to chew stuff. It took him three years before he destroyed his first toy, and even then, it was more the leather that held the toy together that he chewed than the wood. I was also worried about his beak, but he figured things out himself. He has a small concrete perch in his cage (took me weeks to get him to accept it, but that's another story). He never perches on it, as you could guess if you saw the state of my poor hands, but he will hang from the bars of his cage and 'file' his beak down. Also, as I got to know him I found out what HE loves, and now work around that to make toys more appealing. Dorian loves bells, paper, and bundles of Supreme cotton rope, so if I make a toy with these materials and add in a few pieces of soft wood, the wood sometimes gets a nibble. If your bird isn't used to toys, try making them in front of him, and playing with them in front of him. Make a big fuss about how much fun you're having (make sure there are no family members lurking around with video cameras!) :) Cheapest toy ever is a roll of adding machine paper tied to the side of the cage. On the plus side, a non-chewer is much cheaper to live with than a normal grey. Just think, no moaning about ruined door and window frames, no chewed furniture, perches last forever! Have fun teaching Chachi how to be a grey.

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Great post Acaplla, Just since I post this he has really gotten into his bell and feet toys. He has not touched the wood yet. With the other post from Judygram I have pics in my Album of Chachi, but I have not figured out how to post on here. I need more practice. Chachi will let me get him out of his cage and put him on his perch but he will not let me scratch his head. He puts his head down like he wants me to and then a soft bite. Any suggestions?

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Hi & Welcome. What a lucky bird to have found his forever home with you. :)


As the others said, it will take time and lots of it before you build up total trust. When he puts his head down, and then softly bites, sounds like he's testing you to see how you will react. That's his way of deciding if he can begin to trust you. If you yell or say no, or pull away. He will instantly know you can't be trusted......he's going to test you and each time you pass his test, you will have made a step towards bonding and trust. Your doing great and you sound so sweet to him.

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