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Moving Day


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Tomorrow we are moving house. Alfie will be getting her own room, and her new sleep cage came today. It is just big enough to hold her birdy bunk and a couple of toys and food bowls. I'm not exactly sure how tomorrow is going to go yet, but probably the last thing we unpack will be the bird! Once she is out, that'll be us in! I so hope the whole thing doesn't stress her too much!

Hope you and yours are all well.

Lyn & Alfie


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Thanks Clare and Dee. The move went ok and Alfie seemed quite settled the first night, but she was very unsettled last night at bedtime and wouldn't go in her sleep cage. Other than that she is eating well and chatting a little. Not sure what we could have done differently. It is a lot of change for her to cope with. When we have gone on holiday she has been no bother, but this was different because her big cage and all our furniture came with us! Any ideas would be much appreciated. I have no internet connection so won't be able to check in daily but will when I can, and can still get email. xx

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Thanks Judy, She is settling a little better now - stil vary wary but starting to relax a bit. She doesn't like bed at the best of times and is avoiding it even better now!!! SHe has started to talk a bit more again thought, and is even saying one or two new things. I'm going to share a vid in a new thread. x

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