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Bloodyminded bird!


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So Madam Cleo, in her infinite 2 year old wisdom, decided showers were evil, and has refused to have one for about 2 weeks.


Today I managed to coax her to step up onto my hand from the curtain rail where she normal sits, and she agreed to a shower. Once she was under, there was a lot of wing flapping, delightful squawking and tail shaking. She didn't want to get out *sigh*. Each time I offered her my hand and asked "finished?", she'd refuse to step up and doubled her efforts of shaking and squealing under the water. So I stood there, freezing my unmentionables under cold cold water for almost 20 minutes, whilst Madam decided to make up for the 2 weeks without bathing in one session. Almost lost a contact lens too due to the furious wing flapping and water being thrown about.


Madam is now back in her cage drying off in the sun coming through the window, whistling and saying "hello", after having enjoyed some bell peppers.

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I can empathize. Our willow HATES showers. I've tried all manner of tricks and have perused these forums and others for 18 months to find an acceptable solution. No luck. She's so fickle: one week she LOVES freezing cold (and yes, I'm with you on the unmentionables...brrrrrr) and the next week she hates cold and wants warm.


Parrot car wash is definitely an art.

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