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Well the time has come


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Hi Everyone

I have not posted for a while but have still been reading.

Well the time has come, I have always wanted my own grey but had agreed to look after my friends this Christmas while she is away. This will give me a good insight into wether a grey would fit into our house:)

And that time is here. The grey is coming next week, he/she is called pepsi.

Is there anything i can do to help Pepsi settle in? Im going to make Pepsi some of the lovely recipies i have collected from here and other sources and pos make her/him some new toys to play with.



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First of all, congratulations on getting a grey! You are in for the ride of your life, in a good way.


How old is Pepsi? Is Pepsi a baby? If so, make sure he/she is fully weaned and able to forage for food independently. If Pepsi is a little older, what do you know about his/her background?


I think the best thing to do with a new bird is to allow it to take its time to get used to the new surroundings and people first. Greys generally tend to be anxious and cautious birds, so don't overload him with heaps of new toys and lots of handling. Give him a few days to get used to the new cage, new people, other possible animals, and strange sounds. Talk to Pepsi quietly and in a reassuring manner. I've always used "it's ok", and find now that Cleo responds really well to me saying that to her when she is feeling anxious. Bear in mind that greys are very sensitive to peoples feelings, and will sense if you are anxious too, so try and be relaxed and happy when you interact with Pepsi.


Please don't be disappointed if things don't go as you expected or wanted. I've read a lot on the forums about people who get a new bird, and are full of hope and expectations, only to be massively down when the bird doesn't do as they want. Go at Pepsi's pace. He will let you know by using non-verbal language where he is at. Pepsi can't move into the human world to interact, but we CAN move into his world and adapt ourselves to suit them. I'd urge you to become familiar with bird body language. There's a great article on the forums here about that, and there is also loads more on the internet.


Not wanting to sound like a promoter or advert, but I recently bought a training DVD from Goodbird Inc, and have found it incredible useful, and above all, it actually works. So if you have $20 to spare, I'd suggest you perhaps invest in a DVD from them.


Welcome to the family, and looking forward to updates!

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If I read this right, you're pet sitting Pepsi for an extended period, right? And I'm going to guess this is a relatively well adjusted bird who is familiar with you? If that's the case, you've got a nice head start.


The first thing would be to get all the information you can from your friend as to likes, dislikes, habits, fears, etc. Stick to Pepsi's version of normal as much as possible. Once things seem to be going well, you can explore how Pepsi feels about some of your ideas for food & activities. Be aware of her reactions & don't force anything. If she's an older bird, especially, she may not be big on change. If you don't feel confident about her reaction, ask for advice.


There will probably be moments like sitting for a 4 yo who's over tired or on a sugar high or missing her Mommy or just having a cranky day. Other than that, treat her like a spoiled grandchild & have a great time with each other!

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I am finding out about all the little likes and dislike before pepsi comes. My friend is doing me a little all about me about her so i can find out all the little things you could forget when you know a bird well.

I have move the furniture around so he/she has a spot for her cage like where it is at her house and i will be feeding her exactly the same as she has now but may give a couple of treats if she/he likes them ;)

I have met Pepsi loads and she has always been friendly and interactive with me but i know that does not mean she trusts me esp when its my house and not hers.

She is coming with her cage and toys so it feels like home.


Fingers crossed all goes well and thanks for the advice


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Hi Claire ~ oh Pepsi will open your eyes!!! I think you can compare greys to kids- they come, make a mess and then in your case, LEAVE! A bit like grandkids I suppose!!!!


I'm sure you'll have a great time with Pepsi Claire - just be patient. You've been round here long enough and read everything thoroughly - you'll be fine. Your friend will also be safe in the knowledge that Pepsi is being looked after so well (and the fact that there are tons of people here ready to help if you need it)!! Jill x

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Well Pepsi should be there now, [[WONDER]] how is it going with him,


Exactly what was running thru my head. A little scary to see it echoed in purple, though. LOL


Looks like she's got her hands full. Hopefully having too much fun to take the time to update.


So how's you visitor, Clare...?

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Just a suggestion - if Pepsi isn't yet at your home, have the owner bring Pepsi over for a visit one or two times before the pet-sitting event begins. This will help Pepsi because s/he'll be at least a little familiar with your home.



Hoping pet-sitting Pepsi will be a wonderful experience for you both!

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Hi All

Sorry for not being on Pepsi is keeping us all busy and entertained.

She has settled very well and is enjoying her holiday with us. She is at the front of her cage all the time, climbing about and playing with toys. She is whistling and clicking and saying all her favourite words.

It’s a pleasure to have her and I want a grey on my own even more now.


The only thing she has shown that she is not keen on is when I enter her cage to feed her and change her water. Suppose I am invading her space. She fluffs up a bit and starts eye pinning me but is fine as soon as I have finished.



As she has been playing with her toys i think i may buy her a new one for chrsitmas and then we can make better friends playing with a new neutral toy.

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Thanks for the update. It sounds like you are both having a great time and you are learning about some of the dynamics in dealing with a grey one on one. YOu certainly do need to keep an eye on them when cleaning their cages and they are in them. Thats their home you are messing with. :)

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I am so glad to hear it is working out beautifully with Pepsi, yes most greys do not like our invading their safety zone which is their cage. I am also glad to hear it is making you want your own grey all the more, if that is what you want then it will happen for you, enjoy her and how much longer do you have her?

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Thanks everyone for the help and advice I have learnt on here. I really would have been stuck if i hadnt found u all but due to the research im happy to say me and pepsi are doing well and im looking forward to a grey of my own.

Pepsi is with me till new years day and then me and my partner will look at breeders in my area for our own baby :)

Im going to concentrate on looking at research on training and socialising now as i want to make sure i have a well rounded bird when i have one of my own. Pepsi's owner has done very well with her and im lucky that she said if i bird sit for her she will bird sit for me so i know my baby will be safe when/if we go on hollidays.

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