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Leftover stuffing


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Oh the joy of finding a small serving of leftover stuffing tucked away in the fridge today. Java flew over and helped herself to a tidbit. And that was the beginning of mayhem. Bella, our Italian greyhound, ever the relentless chow hound did something unexpected and totally out of character. She jumped up on my computer desk and snatched (!) Java's snack right out of her sharp little beak. We have always kept the dogs and birds on different levels and this time Java went on the war path with great determination. She chased the dog round and round, landed on her back and was ready to do battle to get back the stuffing, but it was long gone. I had to put her back in her cage to keep everyone safe. No sooner than the cage was opened later, she was back after the dog, just hounding (no pun intended) her and trying to chase her and bite her. I put her back in the cage and hoped it would blow over. We have had both of them over four years and never this kind of confrontation. Then, I thought Java had forgotten her vendetta, she came out and sat on my shoulder. Then, quick as a wink, she went for MY ear. I held back the expletives for the most part, but did manage to call her a fart. Then, to my utmost shock and great delight, she made razzberries to me and then mock-fought my hear and hair and just was a right curmudgeon. All the while she was laughing a wicked chuckle. She still makes me laugh every day. I will be vigilant to watch her closely until she gets sorted with the dog.

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LOL Hope this turns out well! Sometimes poor Belle's in the doghouse for days over minor or even imagined infractions. At some point, she starts to give it back.


They remind me of a group of children during a very long car ride. I can do everything possible to keep the peace, but they find a way to keep picking on each other until they decide it's over.

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That is so funny Dee, I don't have an inside dog but my sun conure takes the place of any dog in that if given the chance she will snatch some of what I am eating and heaven help me if she does for she gets vicious about that little bit she managed to pluck from me and I surely will get bitten if I try to take it away from her, she can be such a little sweetheart until she gets ahold of something especially if snatched, then she turns into a little monster. Thanks for sharing that tale with us.

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As I thought about it today, how funny it is that Java can fly by and snatch things ... ahem, share things with me, but when the dog tried to share from her, it has been two days now of retaliation. She stalked her on the floor, climbed on the couch while the dog was hiding under a blanket and finally today, I had to put her on lockdown to keep the peace. There is no sign of her letting up. She weighs just a quarter of a pound and she really does seem to think she is a 400 pound gorilla. To be fair, I did change her cage this week and she is still a little out of sorts. I finally took the big cage out of storage, after a year of being put away, two disinfecting cleans, pressure washing and steam cleaning, I decided that since she was in the same house with PDD, I think we have done all we can to try to prevent it from spreading and she may as well get the use of a huge cage. She looks tiny in there but has been exploring every inch of the place and we are all safe from her until she cools off some from the stuffing incident.

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