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I need to stock up on crazy glue!

Shades Of Grey

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I think I need to buy a case of crazy glue to keep Tui on his cage LOL..JOKING of course :P. Tui has a new game of "find me if you can and watch me run away". Ever since Tui's wings have started to grow back in we finally got to remove the duvet blankets that covered our floors to catch his falls. It looked just lovely in my living room with poop and newspaper covered blankets everywhere LMAO :rolleyes:. Now that the blankets are gone, Tui has decided he likes our floors very much and he is now a dog, not a bird. Every time I get comfortable to work at my laptop or I go to the kitchen, Tui quietly sneaks off his cage and gets into everything. The little fart chewed up my fake poinsettia Christmas decorations one day. I knew it was too quiet. I walked into the living room and there he was looking at me innocently with a pile of my new decorations chewed up at his feet LOL. Good thing I know better to not buy real poinsettias! Last night he was hiding on the stairwell watching me look everywhere for him. I went to step him up and he took off running haha. It is really cute except its getting a little frustrating because my kids can't sit on the couch when he is out now. If anyone is on the couch or floor he comes down. He is nippy with the kids so I don't allow him to sit with them just yet. If I lock him up he goes to the bottom of the cage and does the chicken scratch LOL. Some days its hard because I have to keep him locked up when I am busy. He gets in a mood where he just won't stay on his cage. He is still afraid of all play stands but we did have a breakthrough and he sat on the back of a kitchen chair for about two minutes then he was bored and ready to take off :rolleyes:. Are your greys super active where they won't sit on a perch and be calm? Tui is only 3 1/2 and he has to stay busy constantly. There is no sitting still for this guy! It's hard to keep him occupied sometimes.

Just now, Tui was on the floor and my husband walked over and told him to get back up on his cage..and he listened! He walked right back up. It was soo cute. Time to go find a new activity for him to destroy in 30 seconds LOL.

Anyway I just wanted to share the quirky story and ask where I can get some super glue at a discount LOL :D

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Super glue won`t help. Our CAG Corky will be 10 years old Dec. and she can get into more crap in less time that I can keep up with her.

And forget about bird proofing the house there is no such thing. You just have to live with it. Living with a grey is great. GOOD LUCK

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