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Beak Question


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I have just noticed that my CAG has a light spot on his beak. It is on the top part of the beak about a 1/2 cm from the tip and about 1 cm long. It looks as though the colour has worn off and it is the same colour as the beak of a TAG.


Has anyone heard of this? His yearly check up is on Aug. 1/03 but I thought

I would ask here first.

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Guest cyberknock

Tanks for letting us know of the vet results. I am glad to see that there was no real problem. I am not sure I understand what you mean by 'layers growing over' his beak... That hasn't happened to my bird, yet, in 7 years. However, he gets his BFN ( Beak/Feathers/Nails) inspected and trimmed regularly.. so maybe his beak doesn't have time to 'grow over'...

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