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removing babies


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hi, i usually take out my babies at 3 weeks old, this time im unable to do this as i have to go to hospital they will be about 6 weeks old. Can anyone tell me if im going to have a bigggg problem with this, are they going to be too wild? thanks lyn

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***are they going to be too wild? ****


I'm not sure of that wild you're referring to? All parrots are wild. The adults are wild. The chicks are wild and any parrot in between is wild. They will always remain wild throughout their lives even if they live in a house.


******Can anyone tell me if im going to have a bigggg problem with this,*******


Who's gonna feed them while you're away? The chicks need to be given the exact amount of formula just like they were getting before you leave ( the same time schedule must be used). Is there any particular reason why you remove babies at that very young age? Do you have the parents? The longer the chicks stay with the parents, the better developed they are. If you're thinking about putting the chicks back with the parents, there's a big chance that they'll ignore the chicks.

Edited by Dave007
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sorry, i didnt explain myself very well there, i wont be taking my babies out untill after i have been to hospital.. they will be about 6 weeks when i do.. the question i want to ask is will they take to being hand fed from 6 weeks instead of three...i know exactly how to feed my babies, and have done so for many years, i also do not let anyone else feed them but myself as they are too precious to me..WILD being a figure of speech.... same as my children somedays....

Edited by dawsum
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**** the question i want to ask is will they take to being hand fed from 6 weeks instead of three..****


They'll take handfeeding at any age until they're naturally weaned. At that age, that's all they can eat. They'll take to it instantly. You'll leave them with the parents for 6 weeks? GREAT! It's the best thing you can do. Some breeders leave the chicks with the parents for 3 weeks and they also take to the formula very quickly.

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