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Fear of a zon

Ray P

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Two years ago I would never have though of getting a amazon because of their reputation as a hard bird to handle. Well in mid Dec. of 2008 we rehomed a blue fronted amazon from a relitive in central Florida and brough her to north east Ohio.

My first though on the rehome was no, but she needed a home. So in Florida on a visit we took her in baggage and all. I never thuogh that she would be a pet because she was very nasty. So I started to work with her.

Cricket was not what I expected. In 3 months she did a 180 and turned out to be a great member of our family. It took some time and work but I would do it again. It`s good fealing when I can play with her and have a good time.

I gess it`s never give up on a lost cause because you might miss something good.

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This is great to hear Ray. It gives me hope that Louie will someday accept me as his friend. On a good note he calls me Janet. He is fun to watch and seems comfortable in the birdroom, so all is well. I'll bet Cricket is as full of energy and life as my Louie. Zons are much little characters, I love Louie to death so I know how you feel about sweet Cricket!!!!

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My yellow nape is actually a very fun bird she sings 3 different songs, we hang out together all day she is a loud mouth but she is a zon. I love to feed her there is nothing she won't eat but I do have to watch her weight.She is so comical and says things right on cue. I just love her, we are clicker training now and she knows several tricks. She also has figured out how to be a con artist as well and can sweet talk me out of one of her treats that are SUPPOSE to only be for training. I'm glad you gave Cricket a chance.

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