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Before or After??

Rylie's Mom (Cindy)

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Great forum!! I have been through most of the sections reading through the threads..... this is an incredible forum with so much information.


The purpose of my thread is that I am curious to know when do you weigh your CAG while it is still being hand fed.


Before the first feed of the day or right after?


I usually weigh him (actually do not know if Rylie is a him or a her yet) everyday in the morning after the first hand feeding. Today at his am feed, he weighed 467 grams before and 507 grams after the feeding. But I got to thinking about it and realized that when I weigh myself, I do it first thing in the morning before I eat to get a true weight. :confused: I have hand fed for years and have always done it this way.


A little about Rylie.


Rylie is 6 weeks yesterday and currently is on 4 hand feeds a day. I just started to put in a varying selection of soft foods a few days ago and he is playing with them. He enjoys the oats and mashed sweet potato but more like how a 1 year old loves finger painting and food flinging than eating;)


He actually made it on the erch for the first time yesterday. It didnt last long as he lost focus and went to the next toy.


I have had him since he was 4 weeks and he will be staying with me.


I plan on "abundance weening" Rylie so he will be making the decision of when its time to grow up. I have an extremely flexable schedule so we can take our time (within reason of course).


He spends all day with me, going back and forth between home and work and anywhere else I go. I own and manage a local small saltwater fish store so Rylie gets a lot of attention from trusted customers and is constantly entertained with all of the fish swimming around. The goal is to have a well adjusted family member.


Thanks for reading


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I have never hand fed a bird much less a grey but I would think the first thing in the morning before the first feed would be a good time, that way it is always with the same circumstances but I don't see the need to weigh before and after a feed just once a day is enough.

It sounds like he is doing fine and playing with his food more than eating it but that will soon change as he progresses toward weaning, his weight makes him a robust sized grey, might be more of a large boned one.

With a schedule like yours he should be well socialized and comfortable with changing environments, count yourself lucky to be able to take him with you while you work as many of us do not have that pleasure.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of Rylie when you feel like sharing some with us.

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It sounds like your well on your way with Rylie. My girl corky has always been around people and has traveld all over the country with us and is well adjusted.

It`s sounds like Rylie will be a people person and thats great keep it up.


thank you, Ray! I have seen many parrots that are not well socialize and it is heart wrenching to see them not achieve their full potential.


Rylie will not be one of them. I also have a male Solomon Island Eclectus (Adrian Beaky) and a Sun Condure (Gremlin) that I hand fed and they are both very well adjusted while maintaining their individual personality traits.

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I have never hand fed a bird much less a grey but I would think the first thing in the morning before the first feed would be a good time, that way it is always with the same circumstances but I don't see the need to weigh before and after a feed just once a day is enough.

It sounds like he is doing fine and playing with his food more than eating it but that will soon change as he progresses toward weaning, his weight makes him a robust sized grey, might be more of a large boned one.

With a schedule like yours he should be well socialized and comfortable with changing environments, count yourself lucky to be able to take him with you while you work as many of us do not have that pleasure.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of Rylie when you feel like sharing some with us.


Thank you Judy


I do consider myself fortunate but owning a small business these days definately has its drawbacks.


The CAG has been the "ONE" bird I have always wanted (not taking away my love and commitment from Adrian and Gremlin) and am so excited about having him as part of the family.


I thought he weighed a little more than average but he is a little pigglet. He would eat from the syringe non stop in one feeding if I were to let him. I don't weigh him both before and after his feeding, just once and it was usually after the feeding. I just started to wonder if I should do it before but never really worried about it since I was seeing a progressive gain in weight.


As for photos, I already have tons of them. I will load them up soon!



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