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Bach Flower Remedy's


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I was thinking about trying some of the different Bach flower holistic remedies for Sadie's feather picking anyone ever tried them before? I have been doing a lot of reading on the subject there are some that are suppose to calm the bird and therefore stop the picking. What do you think? :confused:

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I have a plucker, a re-homed older male eclectus. He has finally stopped plucking I believe. It took a change of diet and finding what relaxed him. When I brought him home I placed him in a larger cage which he always climbed out of first chance he got, to go into his much smaller travel cage. I got him a smaller parrot cage and he now stays put. I had him in front of a window in the beginning and he always got out and moved to his travel cage. So I moved him to a corner of the room, he stays put now. He feels much safer and is much calmer in the corner. I believe once you find out that the plucking is not physical or a diet problem, then it must be mental so that is what I worked on; finding what makes Sully happy. I spray him a lot with Aloe Vera Juice (thanks Dave) and see that his atmosphere is calm and his diet is more appropriate for a parrot and so after 1 1/2 years Sully has stopped plucking, I am pleased!!!

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Personally, I wouldn't mess around with alternative types of things unless a vet gave a complete in depth exam to determine what problems there may be. In the past, it's been proven that many people who decided to try out holistic medications just because they could be purchased without a prescription had very bad reactions to it.


If you wanna know some basic facts, there's specific info which you should know about concerning the condition of a bird you may have.

I tried to give you some information but other than saying that you were reading about holistic medicines, you still haven't answered any of my questions.


So---""""What do you think? :confused: """"


I think it's a bad idea.

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You would need to find out if your bird is an acute or chronic plucker. Most of the time a previous owner can tell you.

Acute plucking---A bird will periodically pluck when things are not quite right or nervous. The plucking will eventually stop and as time goes on, those bouts of plucking decrease dramatically.

Chronic plucking---That's a bird that will pluck all the time no matter what's going on. It's a built in habit. Medicines don't normally do anything to curb the problem. Basically, the bird will create bald spots on the body and many times, feathers won't grow back. So if you can't find out about the bird's past, he needs a complete exam. He may be lacking many essential vitamins or calcium levels may be off.

The most important thing that the vet can tell you is whether he's an acute or chronic plucker. Do these things before giving anything internally.

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Thanks Dave we are going to do blood panels on her next visit, she just did a gram stain that was neg and a general check up but wanted to give Sadie time to adjust to her new home before we got stated on all of the other. I took her in to the vet on the second day I had her, my vet wants to see her after a diet change and some time to adjust to her new home then if no improvement we are going to do more testing.

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I'm not real sure Sadie knows that much about toys she never touches the ones I placed in her cage, she doesn't appear to be afraid of them but she doesn't play with them either. I have heard of preening toys thought I might try those as well if I could get het to play at all.

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