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Lets see how many have done this :)


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OK, how many people have brought their grey into a store? Like Walmart or something. did you get kicked out? If not, How did your bird handle all the people? :)

I ask for a few reasons, one, i want my baby to go with me everywhere, so i was just seeing who brought theirs into stores and stuff with them, also becuase, i work at a Motel. So we have LOTS of people coming and going. I get to bring my baby with me, so im hoping he/she will be okay with seeing lots of strangers coming and going. THank everyone :)

p.s. I plan on getting a baby in a few months or so. Still doing all my research and getting toys and planing on which cage to get :)

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It's simply not a good idea to bring a grey into stores that have large akmounts of people ( even less amounts of people). Greys can get very spooked very easily and accidents canhappen frequently. You may keep an eye on your bird but you can't stop others from doing what they're doing. The grey's basic personality should be studied before any venture like that take place. Greys are very leery and very nervous birds. Then, after something happens, your bird may not forget and take it out on you. If you wanna build up trust with your bird, leave him home in the safety of his own abode.

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thank you for all your replies. I didnt even think about people pokin and stuff, which im sure alot of people would!! As for pet stores, i never even thought of bringing them there lol around here alot of the pet stores are kind of.....icky? good enough word lol I will def not be bringing my baby to any of these places. At my work however, our guests arent alowed behind a certian area, it is blocked off lol, do you think just the people coming into the office would be too much?? thanks again everyone :)

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I guess I should have specified more about pet stores. Averi's been in Petco, once, for a photo shoot. The only birds they have are budgies who were on the other side of the store. She's also been to our local bird store for bird behvaior 101 classes, but all the store's birds were kept away from ours, and had been vet checked.

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My friend gives her birds a day out one at a time fairly often but she uses a harness and keeps them crated in the car. Her birds have been to parks where she encourages people who show interest in birds to learn more discusses the difficult side of bird keeping. They have also been in Lowes, Home Depot and a Nursing Home or Hospice. Needless to say her birds are well socialized and well trained. To top it off she watches their body language carefully to intercede when the bird approaches the tired zone or overload.

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I would love to take Tui to a park but there is no way I will ever get a harness on my stubborn baby lol. I have seen people bring animals into Wal-mart before, despite the no pet rule. People have puppies and even kittens in carts occasionally. It's like they think the rules don't apply to them just because their animal is cute. The sign says, "no pets", not "no pets, unless they are cute" ;) LOL. I think its disrespectful because some people, like myself have very severe allergies to cats. I wouldn't ever recommend bringing any pet into a store like wal-mart. With pet stores, it really depends on your bird and how well you trust the store. Ziggy has a harness and can travel with us. I wouldn't bring him into Petsmart because of risk of disease, but we do take him to a great little bird store down the road. I know the lady and all of her birds have to pass full vet checks before they come into her store. I feel comfortable taking Ziggy for an outing there because he doesn't spook easily. Tui, on the other hand would become very frightened so we don't even try to take him out.

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