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What's your birds favorite beverage?


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My grey has had a lot of different things. He's tried pepsi which he rather enjoys, didn't get to much of it because of the carbination and sugar. He's tried a lot of things, his favorite is apple juice, in moderate portions and he likes milk from cereal. He will litterally climb up my leg and steal my bowl of cereal. Since he thinks he's king. We have to cut him off!


What's your grey's favorite thing to drink besides water?

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Josey enjoys some juice now and then especially orange juice, I never allow my fids to have any kind of sodas because of the carbonation, they cannot burp like we can to get rid of the gas and maybe a sip or two of milk now and then but not very often because they are lactose intolerant, just like with our human kids we never allow them to have everything they want or see.

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Cleo will try to get her beak into whatever I'm drinking, whether that be water, milk, tea or cola. It turns into a battle trying to get her away from the "bad" drinks, so I usually don't have any beverages when she's out. And I wonder why I'm dehydrated all the time...pffff

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My girl loves "Simply Limeade," though I do water it down 65% water, 35% Simply Limeade. (That's the name of the product.) She rarely gets this, as I don't purchase it and she only gets it when we visit a certain friend of mine who we see about once-twice per week. But when she sees that bottle come from the fridge, look out! WHAP WHAP WHAP, here she comes, in for a landing, ready or not! She wants her Limeade!

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Kaleah has a thing for coffee. It's not good for her so I only allow her to have a sip once in awhile. She also like root beer, apple cider, milk, and has become skilled at drinking out of my bottle of water.


And yes, they do have such a sense of entitlement. It's like "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine and if you try to keep me from it I'll bite you!" Well, at least that's how it is in my house.

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They really seem to enjoy anything I let them drink from my cup. But I'm going to say the unanimous fav here is pink grapefruit juice.


However, all I have to do is say "No" & they seem to think whatever it is is the very best thing in the world & they just have to have it. So, I always drink my coffee & hot chocolate from a travel mug with a screw on top & a disc that rotates over the opening.

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One thing that really stood out for me about all you true bird lovers, is that you don't have problems with the bird sticking his/her beak and tongue in your drink!


I've had some strange looks and comments from people about it. An animal just stuck it's dirty tongue in your drink.... yes I know...so what? And I take a big hearty sip and go aaahhhh.

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One thing that really stood out for me about all you true bird lovers, is that you don't have problems with the bird sticking his/her beak and tongue in your drink!


LOL No, No, No! You've got that backwards, at least with me. I'm worried about them getting my germs. They all get first dibs on anything good for them, then I finish it. I just don't want anyone committing death by hot chocolate or drinking something bad for them. So I keep that kind of stuff in a sippy cup.

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