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Palm Nut Cozy Nest Box - Warning


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Update: Recanting the warning.


So I orderd some palm nuts from this site called The Cozy Nest Box (cozynestbox.com) and was suprised with what I recieved. Wait till you see this picture....




Yes...that is right...this is no trick of light...that nut is bigger than my birds head. I have a whole pound of em like that. So I sent them the same picture back asking what the heck..and I will let you know what happens. This my friends...is rediculous. Maybe a Macaw would enjoy this. But my Grey just gives up.


EDIT: There was a mix up in ordering somehow...they are making good on it...quite respectible...again..no worries. The ones they sent are foxtails...I was looking for queens.

Edited by Elvenking
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So these are from just regular landscaping palm trees such as Queen Palms and Foxtail Palms, correct? I live in FL and have many palm trees, which all produce seeds... Are these ALL safe for them? I have Christmas Palms, Foxtails, Royals, and Arecas that all produce...

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I tried the foxtail nuts too and Babalu was just able to get the skins off. He could not crack them either. Actually he could not crack the queen ones either but he has only had them a couple times. At least they are making things right! I have heard of this company but have not ordered from them yet.

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