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Sadie and the dogs


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I posted a few weeks back before picking up Sadie (my rescue) that she had to live under a blanket due to two pit bulls that caused Sadie to scream all of the time. Well the covering the cage is history now only at night and the other day she flew down from her play stand and I have a huge bloodhound that thinks she is a little house dog that was sleeping on the floor right where Sadie happen to land. Well Sadie steps over Maggie's leg that was in her way and as she was passing said "Hello Boo" It was a sight to see I don't know who in the world Boo is but I am guessing it must have been the name of one of the dogs from her past, she has come along so fast it is amazing I am so happy her fear of the dogs have been laid to rest. Sadie is more than adorable but then I might be a little bias.:)

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Sadie is more than adorable but then I might be a little bias.:)


Yes but you are allowed to be, so glad that Sadie is getting along with your dog, obviously Maggie is not aggressive towards Sadie and that makes a difference, she is really starting to blossom under your tender care, imagine how well she will be with you later on, thanks for the great update on Sadie.

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Awwww, such a nice story you have shared! I have two mutts, one of which people would call a pit bull (she's a mix but her face looks like a sweet cute pittie). My birds both use both dogs as landing strips when flying across the room. It is sooooooooooo cute - my long-haired sheepdog/border collie mix tries to outrun the birds but to no avail. My place is real small so all of a sudden she's up against the wall and no where else to run, and there's the birdy landing on her, with her nice long hair with which to hold on. :::laughs:::: My dog looks stressed out, as if to say, "Mommy! It's gonna get me!" but she is so sweet and just allows the birds to land on her anyway, as does the other dog.


Thanks again for sharing her story. It sounds like she's settling in well and knows this is home now.

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I hope the day comes that I can trust my dogs with Neo. Right now they go ballistic at flapping wings and act like they want to eat him. (The black lab does anyway. The little mix girl just stands there and waits to see if she is supposed to be doing something.) I'm trying to allow them in the same room but it stresses me out because I just don't feel like I can trust the dogs.

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Barbara2, my dogs absolutely wanted to eat my birds when I brought each of them home. But I sternly and immediately told them "NO!" and glared and made them get DOWN onto their bellies. They looked at me as if to say "Gee, I didn't know I was not allowed to do that. So sorry!" and it hasn't been a problem since. Now, I've established myself firmly as the pack leader and my dogs are not afraid of me but they do know they have to listen to me. And yet I'd never 100% trust my dogs and birds to be alone, and always supervise if my birds are out of their cages. But I never worry, and the dogs absolutely know the birds are part of the pack now, and do not even act even remotely aggressive toward the birds.


(I'm a big fan of Cesar Milan. If you don't watch "The Dog Whisperer," I'd highly recommend it. That show will teach you how to become the pack leader if you are not already.)

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My German shepherd Jinx gets along splendidly with Cleo the CAG. Jinx even brings her toys to Cleo to play with, and it wouldn't be the first time I saw Jinx trying to push a stolen sock through the cage, with the bird hanging off the other end trying to pull it in.


However...there is still the danger of the dog becoming too excited by the stimulation of movement and flapping wings, where instinct might take over, no matter how well trained my dog is.

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However...there is still the danger of the dog becoming too excited by the stimulation of movement and flapping wings, where instinct might take over, no matter how well trained my dog is.


My understanding is that dog/cat/human saliva isn't good for parrots, either. And as much as I think our Dahlia would be a doll with the boys, when she gets so excited she slobbers on everything, and I just don't want to take that sort of risk...

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It is heartwarming to know that Sadie is in your home and feeling so safe and full of herself. Just knowing she is living with care and kindness brings tears to my eyes. I am so happy that you opened your home and heart to Sadie and she is bringing joy to you as well.

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Thanks for all of you kind words and encouragement, Sadie really is so totally different than Gabby my older Grey, Sadie doesn't have the neurotic personality that Gabby does she is fun to be around I discovered tonight she likes to dance so I guess we are going to have to start dancing together some...LOL

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