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New to Greys---- Brody update! with some ???'s


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I wanted you all to know that Brody is doing wonderful!!! I have relaxed and so has he. It started out kind of rough with a few bites, but I was just not reading his body language quite right. So with many phone calls to my Aunt, Brody and I are finally bonding. I have learned a few things about him that have made it easier. One of his favorite things to have done is to be sung to-- his favorite song which is 5 Little Ducks. Now after I let him out of his cage and he has looked around he will start to sing 5 Little Ducks and I know that is my cue he wants some attention. Once we sing the song he starts showing me signs he wants his head scratched:p.

Tonight was a first...:D... As soon as he was done quacking during the song he started to whine like a puppy and lowered his head. I thought it was so funny that he actually whined for my touch! Usually these head scratchings only last a couple of minutes----well this one lasted a good 30 minutes. I acted as though I was preening him. He absolutely loved it!!! He even whined when I walked away to go get him a good job treat..... his favorite a grape!!!! I am loving this!!!!

I guess my next step with him is going to be getting him to get up on my hand..... he will only step up when he has gotten onto the floor. Any suggestions???????? :confused:

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Since you have only had Brody for a short time and he is 9 years old it will take some time to get him to trust you but it sounds like things are going well so just take it easy and it will all fall into place. Think in terms of small steps and with a grey that is 9 then he is set in his ways and patience is what will be your best friend right now.

Continue with the singing since he seems to enjoy it so much and yes any advice from your aunt is welcome since she knew him best, she knows his quirks, likes and dislikes. I bet in the coming months we will hear lots more good things from you and Brody, thanks for the update.

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It's so nice to hear how well this is going & how happy you both sound with each other. You're very fortunate that you have your aunt to give you insight into what's going on. It's so much easier than the trial & error that most new parronts have to face.


Just give Brody time & show him how much you've come to love him. I think you two are going to be greyt together.

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I'm very excited to announce he has fallen in love with me--- Anytime I get a chance I'm talking, singing and whistling to him.... and boy has it done wonders. Last night as he was doing his normal top of cage routine he started his whining and actually got up on my hand. Pretty soon he started his head bobbing and yep you guessed it he regurgitated..... Now I know he's completely at home here.... I'm so happy!!! He's been doing some things for me he would never do for my Aunt. He gets in and out of his cage with me standing close to his cage. He's also taking treats from my hand too. I'm just amazed everyday of our new accomplishments. Happy Grey MOM!

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