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Kicked to the Curb!


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I can't believe it! My 14 month relationship with Paco was kicked to the curb this weekend! Last night my friend Jason came over for dinner and I noticed right away that Paco was acting differently towards him. Paco kept heading over to the side of his perch that was closest to Jason and stretching up offering kisses!


These two have never gotten along, and instead have only just tolerated one another. Jason is scared of Paco's feet, and Paco was just scared of Jason in general. Now this weekend, Paco was choosing to fly to Jason while only indignantly grazing my well groomed hair as he passed overhead!


When I approached Paco his eyes pinwheeled and he flew away, choosing to land near Jason. If he didn't snap at me first.


He'll be in for a rude awakening this week when he has no choice but to be with me.


Has he chosen a new favourite?


Nothing out of the ordinary in our relationship other than a stern talking to about pulling the decorative buttons out of my couch and throwing them onto the floor for my bare feet to find them! I even bought him a next sexy, Vegas toy this week. Little shit!

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It could just be a phase he is going thru right now and things could change at any time so don't kick Jason away for now, he seems fixated on him for the moment but life is fleeting and fickle sometimes so go with the flow and see what develops.

I agree with Janet, there is no need for name calling, after all this is a family forum.36_1_19.gif

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What! You stopped him from ripping the buttons off the sofa, how could you? LOL I am just kidding of course. Maybe it is all a ruse to get Jason close enough to get a better vantage point for a chomp. Seriously, it is hard not to take it personally when they are going through the terrible independence stage, but I know you really love him and if you have to give him a little distance to work it through, it may change the close, baby relationship and a new mutual companionship will emerge that will be just as satisfying in a different capacity. Meanwhile, if Jason is being favored, you can take advantage of that and have him give Paco a stern talking to for chewing buttons and being a snot to his loving daddy.

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