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Jay Update


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A big heartfelt thank you to all from both Jay and I. Sorry I don't have a real good update, things are pretty much the same, when he's up, it's in a wheelchair, still has vertigo, Doc's say it could stop at any time, he's still weak and can't use the computer or watch tv, read, etc yet...You can't believe how much he misses you all and the forum. He say's he'll be

back real soon, he has new plans and thread for the Amazon room. I never realized it would be so hard on the birds, first thing each morning they all call out "Papa".

Love you All


Spock and the flock say hi...

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Oh that nasty old vertigo can really make your day miserable, been there done that. Jay is home that certainly is a blessing and surrounded by his love ones and friends, that is marvelous! Keeping healing thoughts coming your way, Jay, be strong Maggie and know we all miss you both and pray for your return real soon!

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Oh thank you for the update. You have all been on my mind. I am hoping for no more bad stuff and a little improvement every day. I am sure all the flock is happy to see Papa home again. If our wishes can keep your spirits up, Jay would be soaring above us all right now. Just tell him not to take any advice from the birds and bomb us from up there. You are in our waking thoughts and daily prayers.

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