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Moving house


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Hi All,


Im moving house on Friday and not overly sure how Ollie will cope.


He is used to his transport cage now, and ill cover it over during transport however he does like to know whats going on and have a look.


Once in the new house, I think ill build his cage back up, kit it out with all his toys etc and put him straight in it with some of his favourite treats.


He loves coming out of his cage so im going to let him out pretty much straight away once everything is in the house and the doors are shut etc.


Just hope he doesnt mind it too much. Any tips?


Oh, the new house is only a 15 minute car journey away if that.


Thanks, Tom.

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yep, sounds like your doing all the right things, just make sure you get all his gear sorted first so he can see familiar stuff around him and have a safe haven in his cage until he adjusts to his new surroundings, perhaps also place a few toys around the room/house too which he can see from his cage, and as usual talk like a psycho happy person as you enter/get set up and sorted so he knows its a fun place to be:) best of luck hope the move goes well for you too :cool:

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