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Kaleah's "help" with the dishes


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I was just doing dishes and decided to let Kaleah wonder the counter. Whenever I clean i always put her in her cage (as I don't have a play stand yet) so that whatever I'm doing doesn't freak her out, so this is a first for us both. She was enjoying herself a lot. Trying to break my coffee maker, trying to push clean dishes on the floor, knocking glasses over...just having a blast and being mischievous. A few feet down from my sink is a little shelf that holds wine. She started playing over there, trying to push bottles around with her beak. The more I heard the bottles knock together the more nervous I got. I looked over and saw her messing with the one nearly empty bottle. All of a sudden the bottle began to teeter with Kaleah right below it. I lunged for the bottle. She moved when she saw me coming, I must have looked like a mad woman, but the bottle fell. I grabbed the neck in time but the bottom pinned her tail feathers down for a second. She screamed and I had a mild stroke. After a thorough look over, Kaleah went back in her cage and I finished the dishes alone.


I really need a play stand...


Also, the wine has been moved to the top of the fridge.

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I'll say! I waited a year for the flight feathers to grow in, now my house has become an giant flightpath in which I must stay out of the way or risk getting nailed! Why is it they always go for the most dangerous stuff! Paco's favourite place to go when I'm doing dishes by hand is on the divider on the double sink. As long as I keep the water running a bit, he'll play there for hours... I feel bad for wasting the water, but not bad enough to enjoy getting things done in the kitchen! I keep a very scary looking cutting board on top of my fridge, so luckily he flies away from the fridge top rather than to it!

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