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Feather Dust Question????


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got my grey 2 days now and my chest is at me a small bit wondering if it would be feather dust?? is there a way of stopping weather dust or anything that helps??? was half thinking of getting a air filter for sitting room where ill be alot of the time with my grey?? any ideas would washing him help?? he is nearly 3 months old never washed or cleaned yet???

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All greys plus other species create feather dust. The official name is dander. They'll do this throughout their lives. Many things will get dusty and will need to be wiped off including their cages.


You can get different fans but the best ones to get are exhaust fans which will pull out tiny the floating dust in the air. The other dust in the area will need to be vacuumed or wiped away.


As far as bathing your bird, check out these two links which will give you many ways to learn to bathe your bird.





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People don't get a sore chest. You mean inside your chest? or are you talking about a sore throat? If you're breathing in the dust it will cause slight breathing problems and it has nothing to do with how young the bird is or when he starts to produce dander/feather dust.

Do you feel sick or have pains in your chest?

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just have a kinda sore chest mite be from breathing in the dust like!! what are the reactions to feather dust would it give u sore throat or sore chest?? i have being congested before i got my grey 2 days ago like maybe its just my nose like i had birds before had no prob like and if i was reacting to the dander i prob would be sneezing and im not??? just worried im reacting to it thats all love my grey already

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You may have a slight bronchial condition or a sore throat and you may need some medication for it. I say this because you've had that problem once in a while before you got your bird.

""what are the reactions to feather dust would it give u sore throat or sore chest??""

Usually it'a breathing problem that occurs. Shortness of breath, Fast heart rate. Some people who have asythma need a doctor to give them an inhaler but from what you describe, it sounds like you have a bronchial congestion which you should go to the doctor. The problems above don't cause sneezing.

If it's just recently started, you should go to the doctor. You may also have a mild case of the flu.

In any case, you need to keep your grey's area relatively clean and that won't be hard if you just keep up with it. BUT I would go to a doctor to get a checkup.

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Did I misunderstand? Did you say you felt a bit off two days BEFORE you got your birdy? Maybe you were coming down with something and your AG has just exacerbated the issue. Or maybe you'd be feeling the exact same even if you had NOT gotten a bird.


Anyway, perhaps limit the bird dust by bathing your bird, and keeping on the dusting and cleaning of your home and the birdy's cage, too.


Don't give up. Might be nothing related to the bird at all. Keep us posted.

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i have conjestion but its my chest thats at me since he came hone got him friday morning my chest was at me saturday after noon gonna give it a few days like dont wanna loose him but if it is him im gonna have to like :-( cleaned all day like dusted hoovered

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I have asthma and was concerned I would take a reaction to my grey but have had no bother at all. I was allergic to my cats when we first got them many years ago, but became immune and the allergies stopped. I don't keep cats now and when ever I visit a home with a cat,, I get the really bad allergic reaction! I have also heard good things from people with birds who have air filters/purifiers, so they may be worth a try.

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see thing is i dunno if its the bird or maybe coming down with something see the thing is my chest is never at me always good no way off telling like its a waiting game unless i go for another allergy test got one 5 months ago all was clear but dunno if they did feather like dander is another thing comfused my head is wrecked i love my grey already and distanceing myself from him over chest

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Well time will tell whether it is an allergy or you have come down with a cold, flu or similar respiratory problem but you may have to be tested for bird dander specifically so a visit to your doctor may be in order to find out but there are all kinds of air purifiers on the market if it is indeed an allergy, good luck to you.

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