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Hi, i got an african grey about a month ago, i was given a week to see if she liked me or not, after a week i just didnt want to give her back even though she bit me and didnt let anyone touch her. I read to her everyday and i watch tv with her and talk with her all day long she gets soooo much attension, shell be 6 soon:) and i just wish there could be more i can do so she can learn to trust me and love me, i realy want her to let me pet her and for her to go on my hand, plz if anyonme here knows what els i can do plz let me know :) thank u all so much

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It's gonna take a lot longer than one week before you see a definite personality in the bird. The bird doesn't know you. You don't know the bird. The bird is in a new place that he's not familar with. That includes new people, new habits around the house, daily schedules. Normally, a person doesn't try to do physical things with the bird until the bird shows a bit of interest and curiousity. The best environment for a bird to checkl all of these things out is in the safety of his cage. If he's in his original cage, that's good. If he's in a new cage, that's also something that he'll have to get used to.


*****and i just wish there could be more i can do so she can learn to trust me and love me, i realy want her to let me pet her and for her to go on my hand,"""""

That only comes with time and after the bird trusts you. Also, you never mentioned the age or how long the bird was in the previous place but if he's an adolescent or adult, the whole process takes longer. Talking to him constantly, giving treats through the cage, being around the bird alot are basic ways for a bird to get used to things. Having his cage in an area where it's easy for him to see what's constantly going on is a good idea. If the bird is alone all day, the process may take even longer.

BUT most importantly, it won't happen in a week. It's takes a lot longer for a parrot to get used to everything that's new.

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It certainly sounds like you are doing things right to get your new grey to trust you. As Dave says, just be patient and non-threatening to your grey. By the way what is her name? I have a re-homed Amazon who is still working at trusting me and I have had him for a couple of months. He wants to, as he will take food from my hand and come close to where I am, but he still will not let me touch him, so I will just wait until he is ready. Am I correct your grey is 6; is that 6 months or 6 years old?

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It certainly sounds like you are doing things right to get your new grey to trust you. As Dave says, just be patient and non-threatening to your grey. By the way what is her name? I have a re-homed Amazon who is still working at trusting me and I have had him for a couple of months. He wants to, as he will take food from my hand and come close to where I am, but he still will not let me touch him, so I will just wait until he is ready. Am I correct your grey is 6; is that 6 months or 6 years old?


He got her on October 20th (or thereabouts) and she is 5 years old. She was with one family for the 5 years before bodnar adopted her.

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It is going to take a lot of time to gain the trust of this grey so please devote a good bit of time each day talking to her and letting her just get used to her new home and parronts as Dave is so right with his advice, please keep us informed as to what progress you make with her but take it slow and easy.

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Hi Bodnar and welcome to our forum. I had the same outlook as you when our grey came home, I just wanted to show him how much he was loved and welcomed and how excited I was to have him in my life. Like you I was wondering, what can I do? The secret is to do nothing and her curiousity will get the best of her. She will show you every step of the way when she is feeling a little less stressed and more open for your loving contact. I felt like I was spinning my wheels trying so hard to figure out the magic that would "flip the switch" and he would "know" I was safe. Keep doing what you are doing, sing to her, talk to her, sit in the room just reading quietly and she will realize you are not a predator that is going to scoop her up and do scary things. My husband travels a lot and it took months for our grey not to growl and try to hide from him. So if she is not showing fear, trying to hide, or outright growling and screaming when you come near, you are already half way there. Believe me, when she leans toward you and asks to get out with you and when she shows you a little trust, just act calm and that little trust will grow until you have the relationship you desire with her. Think about it, if you were suddenly taken from your home by big unfamilar strangers speaking in a different language and doing unusual things, it would really be hard to understand they are looking out for your best interest. My guy was only ten months old, and it took me almost six months before he was trusting enough for me to walk around the room while I was holding him. It takes tiny little baby steps and then it happens in grey time. I know that it is hard to wait, but believe me, it is sooooo worth it when the bond is formed. Most greys don't like to be touched and "cuddled" once they are mature. Give her the space to be who she is and you will marvel at the personality even if it was not what you expected at the time. Good luck, you are in for the experience of a lifetime when you slowly gain her trust.

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