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A Paco Update


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Hi gang,


Sorry, still really busy in my life, and I've been on so seldom. But a quick update on Paco, he is absolutely fully flighted now. I can't turn around without him joining me in some room of the house where I didn't expect him to come.


Last weekend I took him to my worksite which has a very long, expansive hallway. Since the building is empty on the weekend I thought it'd be great to see how he did with it. He loved it. He flew back and forth down the length of the hallway and really enjoyed being able to dive towards the floor before zooming back up to the ceiling. It was quite an amazing sight.


He has developed a few bad manners lately though as well. At 20 months, he is nowhere near as cuddly and sweet as he used to be. He now screams if he isn't getting what he wants. I'm ignoring it, but I have to admit, it is a nasty scream that he seems very happy to make. He also clicks at me if I'm doing something near him he doesn't like before trying to take a pound of flesh off me. I've gotten to know to look for pinwheeling eyes and hear that click before reaching over to give him a scratch.


I've decided that he isn't a shoulder bird. I just don't feel confident that he won't bite me, so I won't let him perch up there anymore.


I still love him, and am just trying to make sure he gets rewarded for his good, and I ignore the bad while telling myself that I'm in the terrible twos...


I look forward to rejoining the flock soon!


I hope all is well with everyone!

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This can be a trying time for a young grey, he wants to assert his independence and they can be brats at this stage of life but I imagine things will settle down soon so take it all in stride. Now that he is fully flighted he will go where he wants and if he wants to be where you are then that is where you will find him, he just wants to be with his flock, bless him.

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