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Save Me From Myself!!!!


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I have a problem, I believe I have posted about Betsy before. I am told she is an orange wing amazon whose parronts were both elderly. Betsy was the wife's bird, more of less, and when she died, the husband tried to care for Betsy but then he also died. The couple's daughter is not a bird person and turned Betsy over to Johnnie's Jungle. No one has wanted to purchase Betsy. She does not pluck but she also does not talk (which is what most people want unfortunately) She does make a few noises. I don't mind as both Ana Grey and Louie are great talkers and learning more all the time. I don't need any more talkers unless then really want to talk!!! Because the owner of the store thinks I am going great with Sully, she has offered me a deal. $250 for Betsy with cage.


My problem is I only want to adopt needy birds, Betsy is not really needy except that the store owner thinks that she needs a good home and would be very happy with me. I am afraid that Louie (Blue-front) and Betsy (Orange-wing) might really hit it off and I don't want any little zons. I believe blue-front and orange-wings are pretty close. Johnnie is going to try to find the paperwork on Betsy so I can get some idea of how old Betsy is.


So someone talk me out of this little mess before I too become a talked about Hoarder!!!!!


I really miss you Jay!!!!!

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I don`t se you as a hoarder but a person that cares and loves to be around birds. Needy is a bird that needs a home.and weather or not it`s your home or not I know that you want whats best for the bird. I was in this spot when I first said no to Cricket.

Nobody wants this bird because it does not talk and I know that is not the kind of person this bird needs. You will make the right choise.

I know I am not much help.

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I think you should listen to your heart, not with your head in this instance. You want to be talked out of getting this little bird, which tells me that in your heart, you do want to, but are hesitating by your mind's notion of only wanting needy birds. I agree with Ray in that a needy bird is a bird that needs a loving home.

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Oh what the hell Janet - go for it! Little Betsy's obviously tugging on your heartstrings - and I'm sure you don't leave the birds alone long enough for a bit "rumpy pumpy" to happen!! What a sad little story - I think Betsy is needy - she's in needy of a good home with a loving parront - and that's you!!!


She's an orphan! She's lost her parronts - she'd love you!!!!

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I think this is a head or heart decision - your heart seems to want to bring Betsy home, but your head is thinking there might be another needier bird who also needs a good home? You sound like you've been thinking on it for a while and who's to say that Betsy might not become a reeeeeally needy bird once she has sat in the pet store for a while being overlooked because she doesnt talk. She already needs a good home and on top of that, she's lost her family, bless her. Best just bring her home now. Heart knows best. x

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Ahhh Lyn pretty much has my problem down in her post. When I got Sully, he was totally plucked front and back and screamed for me when I came into the store and also came to me to sit on my hand when he wouldn't do that for others. Louie lived outside getting more and more wild when he has a loving heart and he broke my heart. Now Betsy is comfortable in the pet store, she likes the owner and "talks" to her. She will not step up for me and actually moves away from me. So I will wait and see what happens. With my pets there has to be a connection and with Ana Grey, Sully, Louie and my pug Lily there is one. With Betsy not so much she seems happy where she is..... so we will wait and see.

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Maybe you can just continue to visit Betsy in the store and keep an eye on how things are going. It sounds like Betsy is in good hands for now. If you continue to visit and check on her, you will be able to ascertain if things start to go downhill with her. You might even find, with time, that you and Betsy begin to make a connection.


On the other hand, I don't think anyone here would think of you as a "hoarder" if you decide to take her into her home. :)

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Hmm, that kind of puts a different slant on the dilemma. When any prospective new bird owner comes looking for advice about "which one to choose," we always say you let the bird choose you. If Betsy seems happy where she is and doesn't want to come sit with you, that almost makes the decision for you. Almost. On the other hand, It would be awful to go back in a year and find her bald because she is still there, or worse, the wrong person took her home then sold her on because she "won't play, won't talk, work forces sale" etc.

As a foot note, we were at an Aly Bain concert last night (scottish fiddler) and there was a fiddler from New York there - Bruce Molsky. The last tune they played was an American one and I can't recall the name of it, but the first line of the chorus was "Coming round the mountain charming Betsy"! I thought it was a sign! Then when we got home and watched The X Factor, one of the contestants won her sing off with "Save me from myself"! I thought for sure Janet I would come back on here tonight and see pics of your new arrival lol!!

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Betsy is not plucked and is a quiet amazon. It is the owner who wants me to have her. I have been watching Betsy for a few months and she has never come to me or really wanted to have anything to do with me. So, yes, I will continue to watch her, but unless it becomes apparent she would be happy with me, I won't be taking her. Sully was different he really wanted to come with me and would not be kind to anyone else.

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Dear Luv, Betsy may just be shy around strangers. She may have been afraid of/not into the pet store owner at one time, too. She may just need time to warm up to people. (After all, we must look like huge scary possibly predatory beings to birds, if you think about it.) And another factor that no one else has mentioned - the pet store owner is offering you a deal. The pet store owner may be feeling like it's time to move this liability out, and make space for other merchandise. Sounds cold, but keep in mind that Betsy is taking up space in the store, costing the pet store owner money in food and care, and sometimes a business owner gets to the point that they just want birds like that out. The pet store owner may end up giving Betsy less and less attention and sure, you stop by and Betsy goes right up to the pet store owner, and you're left with feeling like she's bonded to that person, when in fact that person may just be interacting with Betsy to show you, a perspective buyer, that Betsy is a good bird to have. And then when you leave the store, so does the attention that goes to Betsy from the pet store owner. Hey, like I said, it sounds cold but I've seen it many times before.


And regarding your two 'zons making babies, just keep them separated when you leave the home. Put one or both into cages and that solves that.


Anyway, sounds like your heart knows Betsy needs a good home. I hope you can come to a decision and be at peace with it.

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