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Pink toes?


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About five months ago a friend mentioned to me that there was a grey in one of our local pet stores. Ever curious, I went to check her out. The poor thing was scared to death, but with just a couple soothing words she was offering her head for scratches and begging me to allow her to step-up. She was just the sweetest thing. We were just starting to consider adding a second grey at this point, and I couldn't help but inquire about her. She had been in the store for a couple weeks and was $1500. I left empty-handed.


One of the most peculiar things I noticed about her was her pink toes. Some of her toes looked like they lacked pigmentation and all four of her front nails were white. I also noticed that her tongue was pinkish-white.


Yesterday we were about and about and we drove by the same pet store. I couldn't help myself and went in to see what birds they had. My same pink-toed grey was there. Even sweeter than before she rubbed her little head all over my fingers and wiped her beak on me. I inquired about her and was disappointed to hear the same $1500 price named. She was born March 8th, and has spent all of her post weaning days in that darn pet shop on a dingy T-stand. My heart is broken over this sweet little grey.


I did think to snap some pictures while I was there of her feet. Does anybody know why they look this? I assume it's something genetic ??




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I was thinking albino, too. But can a bird, or anything for that matter, be half albino?

I was shocked that she's still there after five months with how sweet she is, but I think it may have something to do with the fact she hasn't started talking (she's only about eight months). The birds that seem to sell the fastest in this shop are the ones who talk.

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Paco has identical toes! It is genetic, I don't know about any albino, but some of his toes are pink with white talons and some are black on black. He hatched like that, and the breeder originally called him "White Toes". His tongue is black, with some pink far back that I notice when he fully extends it. My vet said that it is a genetic mutation and nothing to be concerned about. For those that believe in the theory of evolution, mutations are often an exciting advancement! LOL!


I feel bad for the bird. There is a shop not far from me where they have 4 CAGs, siblings, who have been there since I got Paco in Sept 09, Paco hatched in March, these guys in January... They won't lower their $1500 price tag either.

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I feel bad for the bird. There is a shop not far from me where they have 4 CAGs, siblings, who have been there since I got Paco in Sept 09, Paco hatched in March, these guys in January... They won't lower their $1500 price tag either.

That is so sad. And seems a little bit stupid to me, not to mention greedy and cruel - they must know these birds would be better off in homes.

I think making them an offer is a good idea - they can only say no.

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I have a friend in Florida that breeds Greys and about 4 months ago he hatched one with one solid white toe, nail and all. Nothing else about the bird is out of the ordinary just the one toe. Also after the DNA sexing results came in it was a Male. I have asked him to send pictures so I can post. I have also tried to get him to join this site but he spends 85% of his time out with his birds.


He sells his Greys between $400 and $800

Ususally $400 to direct customers and $800 to the pet stores. Also offers a 1 yearguarantee if the new owner has it vet checked within I think it is 10 days. Didn't meant for this responce to turn into an add but for those of you that may be in Florida I know he cares greatly for all of his birds and it would be a good place to look into. I know he breeds other bird types but never really asked I lived too far away he only does inperson sales no shipping of his birds.

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Hahahaha! Damnit Dave! You made me spit my drink out on your response! I told Paco about your suspicions about him, he looked at me and say, "It's OK!". So, if he's all good with it, I'm all good with it. After all, I'm not planning on offering him to any breeding program, so even the Catholic Church will accept him!

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