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Mende went to a specialist....


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Mende was crushed in the nest apparently with the rest of his clutch. I thought he was born with his poor deformed limbs and claws....But the vet told me...this could not have happened while inside the egg. It seems his spine is also deformed. I saw the xrays today.......and just cried. I will know more Monday....if he can have the surgery to remove two toes that are bending upwards and catching on everything....however there is nothing that can be done about making his legs straight so he can stand upright. I was assured...he was not in pain..........and in fact was very healthy. The vet also told me that greys live 35 to 40 years...not the 60 i have been told.

zooky<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/25 02:35

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Guest briansmum

that is so sad aout mende, but good that he is healthy and in no pain and has a loving home. thankyou for sharing with us. my thoughts are with you and little mende, please keep us informed of his progress.


i do believe the average age for greys to live is between that period but given the proper care they can live to be 60+

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I am so sorry about Mende, but if he is not in any pain then that is all that matters. I would have cried too, but maybe on Monday you will get good news, I hope so.


I have always heard they live to be 50 to 60 years, so this is a surprise to me, 35 to 40 years is a bit less than we all realized, but if this is what your vet said then it must be factual.


Please update us on Monday, we are anxious to know what you find out, but I know Mende is receiving all the love and care from you that he needs, he couldn't be in better hands than yours.

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Aww poor baby. I am sure you well do the best for Mende and he well live a happy long life.

Was this an avian vet that told you that? Maybe that has been his personal experience but they can live 60 plus years with the right care.

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I am glad to hear the Mende is not in pain, and most importantly has a loving home! Its good you have some info about the cause of the deformities. As lovemygreys indicated, Mende has never known anything else. If he can be happy and healthy just the way he is than all is good! ;)


Regarding the life expectancy, I have done a fair amount of research and data I have seen supports the average is 50-60 yrs if cared for in an acceptable manner. This age is of course dependent on the individual animal and the diet/care it has had throughout its life (just like us). The standard seed only diet fed yrs ago to captive birds may in fact have led to avg life spans around 35 yrs. Today this number is quite a bit higher and there are documented cased of them living over 75 yrs. Not to be demeaning to your vet in any way, but the perspective of one individual on this topic may not be accurate or representative of reality, even if well intended.


Judy - Any statement by a vet, a medical Dr or anyone (professional or not) should be questioned (me included!). Do not assume just because the vet or Dr said so "it must be factual"...that can be dangerous. Of course we want to and must trust these people for many reasons. They have studied and acquired knowledge over many years, but they do not know everything and can be wrong! B)

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Guest briansmum

well put mark. i too have read of birds that live to be well over 70 years, and on the other side of the coin, birds that die as young as 35 or 40. it does indeed depend on the care the bird recieves.


and thankyou for reminding us that no one knows everything ;)

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Genetics, environment, diet, exercise etc. all play a major role in the age a Grey may attain. Much like us humans or any other living creature.


It would be interesting to see a study on this, that would provide a mean average life expectancy of the Grey.

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Zooky, I'm sorry to hear about Mende, but I know he will adapt, as he knows no other way. He is one lucky bird to be with such a loving person who will spoil him into his old age, and then some. :)


I agree with the others on the life expectancy, there are many factors involved in determining how long they could live.

Best of luck to you on Monday, I hope it's good news! Please let us know, my thought and prayers are with you.

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Mea culpa, Mark, of course it is not factual and we all should question. I does matter what the circumstances are as to diet and other factors that determine how long a particular bird lives, the healthier the more likely the longer.


And like Talon said, Mende knows no other way but the way he is and I know he is happy with Zooky as his Mom.

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Guest Monique

I am so sorry to hear about your baby :(. I hope that everything turns out okay for you. I am sure as someone else said without him knowing any different he will be very adaptable.

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