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Spoiled Scream


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Hi - OK two year old TAG - over the past 6-9 months - Bellissimo has developed a very annoying habit of a scream when he wants something. It is extremely piercing. Unfortunately we have spoiled him a bit and when he doesn't like his food, wants something we are eating or is left alone, he does the scream. I have attempted to replace the scream with a woo-hoo whistle. He does this very well but he mixes in the woo-hoos with the screams. Sometimes he will start with the woo-hoo and then go to the scream. I have attempted to bring him into his roost cage when he does the scream and has figured out he should woo-hoo on the way to the cage!!! I always say good boy when he woo-hoos and ignore the scream but our patience is wearing very thin. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated!!

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I am not an expert in this area but the best advice I can give is to continue to completely ignore him when he is screaming. Even if this means not walking in the room while he is doing it. He is continuing to scream because there is a payoff in him doing it, such as your attention. We had to do this with our conure for quite awhile before he got the message that his screaming would not bring him anything good. Try to never approach your grey when he screams and don't even offer eye contact if possible. As soon as he is quiet, go to him and make a big fuss and offer a treat. Greys are very intelligent. I imagine he will catch on fairly quickly ;)

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Greys are super sensitive to body language, though. If you pretend to ignore something, they'll see right through it. If you can't learn to tone them out, then go somewhere they can't see you or they'll still be getting the reaction they want.


I used to acknowledge my fids when they did this, just to make sure they didn't have a legitimate issue like being caught in something. Then I'd dismiss it & walk away. Once they quieted down, I'd just come back like nothing had ever happened. They'd eventually figure out that I knew what they were doing but it just wasn't getting them anywhere & they'd move on to the next challenge.


Someone did tell you, there's always another challenge, right? :rolleyes:


But I have to admit I always feel for parronts when they post this problem. It really isn't a fun phase to get through.

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