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Quick and Funny Issac Story


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So Issac has really been expanding his variety of noises which I find super endearing. I will tell you about two of the funnier ones. The first is a little bomb dropping sound...you know..."PEEEEEeeeeeeewwwwww..splat". He has taken to doing this one a lot lately. Love it.


This next one is a bit funny. I had Issac on my shoulder and I was walking around. I had my morning cup of water which I sometimes drink more quickly than other things. So I am drinking away and I hear this new sound from Issac and I am wondering....what is that? I think for a second and start drinking again and realize....it's the sound of me swallowing! LMAO. It is PERFECT. Because when I took my next sip...I heard the identical sound, put two and two together and nearly blew water out of my nose at how perfect it was. Now he does that a lot. It's so freaky to hear.

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I had a bright orange plastic cup that fascinated Phenix. I used that to teach him to drink from a cup so I could get some V8 & fruit juices into him before I could get him to eat a decent diet.


After a little while, he started making swallowing sounds whenever he saw me drinking something that interested him. Once he started on some real food, he would make crunching, chewing noises when he wanted to try something I was eating. Of course, I'd give him anything he could have.


From then on, he treated both sounds like words & he definitely uses them to communicate his expectations when he wants his share.

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Ha Ha Ha! Yip - they pick everything up - one of Harvey's favourites is "aaatcchoooo" and I have to say "bless you" following it - he waits for me to say it!!


Ha! I tell Issac 'bless you' after he does his little sneezes. They are just too cute.


After a little while, he started making swallowing sounds whenever he saw me drinking something that interested him. Once he started on some real food, he would make crunching, chewing noises when he wanted to try something I was eating. Of course, I'd give him anything he could have.


Swallowing and crunching! They are just amazing little creatures. The way Issac looked at me after he did the sounds was too cute too. Almost like a stare waiting for a response. LOL...He got one.

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Elevenking, so glad you are enjoying Isaac's newest sounds. My girl does those swallowing sounds, too, along with lip smacks (not the overt kind, just the regular sounds that all humans make when we eat or drink something), and she also does water being poured from a pitcher into a glass and she does the sound of removing the plastic lid from a 32-ounce yogurt container (which sounds just like a human burp, unfortunately!)


And birdhouse, I, too, have noticed that if she wants something, she'll use those sounds as words, in order to ask me to share whatever it is I'm having.


They are amazing and interesting and we are all so lucky to have these grey sweeties in our lives.

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It's amazing how fast they pick up sounds and words. I lost one of my tiels Sunday night and Baby Bird is very obviously upset right now and chirps like crazy very loudly, so I'm in there talking to him and saying Awhhhh baby it'll be ok. I don't really know how to console a bird who is missing his friend. Anyway, last night I was in the other room on the computer and I hear Rebel saying...."Awhhhhhh its all right" ...and the little guy actually calmed down. It was sweet!

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