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Tastiest Pellet/ Polling the Greys


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Hi everyone-

First, thanks for you patience and help while I try to feed my picky bird.


What does your grey think is the tastiest pellet? Which one does he/she love best?

You know your greys; you know which pellet they love and which they like and which they tolerate!


Not looking for the healthiest at this point, just something my bird will think is delicious and eat!


If I missed a previous thread that answers this, please post. I tried to do a search.





(the icon is saying "MMMMM")

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I was feeding my Hahn's macaw and Senegal Pretty Bird for years. I switched them to Zupreem Natural and they both took to it immediately. My grey came eating Zupreem Natural so that wasn't a test. I have added Totally Organic Pellet to their feed and they will eat that as well but prefer the Zupreem.

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My Grey Moussa came to me eating Pretty Bird African Special, and he will still eat that. But if he has both the Pretty Bird and Harrison's high potency in his cage, he will choose the Harrison's.


The Pretty Bird African Special must be pretty palatable, because the other birds will all go after it when they find it in various food cups on play stands around the house. My birds also like Zupreem Natural. Same as Barbara, they took to it immediately, so it must also taste pretty good to them.


Birds are kind of strange. They can ignore a pellet and have nothing to do with it for months or even years, and then one day they just suddenly start eating it. So don't give up. I know you just need to get your bird started on something as soon as you can right now. But if there is a pellet you'd prefer to feed, go ahead and offer it along with whatever else you're feeding and keep it available.

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The first pellet I switched Babalu to when I adopted him was Zupreem, I would buy a different flavor when the bag ran out. I noticed with Zupreem his poo was real smelly and not so firm. Then I switched to Harrisons and the poo was less stinky and firm! But now after reading and studying ingredients I have switched him to TOPs. But as a treat for when he is out on his play stand or while we are watching tv and not playing with him I give him the bountiful harvest blend and he loves the pellets that are in there!! http://www.mybirdsafestore.com/cart.cgi?group=537&child=1569 And the other stuff too. But again his main diet is now TOPs and fresh veggies and fruit and I am just now introducing the TOPs seed mix soaked and or sprouted.

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I started off with Harrison's Adult Lifetime Course. I got it from the vet but Kaleah hated it. So I got some Zupreem fruit flavored pellets. I started mixing them in with her seeds last week. She always pushed them aside or put them in her water dish and went for the seeds. Over the last few days she has started eating them more than the seeds. I'm happy about that but now I wonder just how beneficial the fruit flavored ones are versus the regular or natural. It's got to be better than the all seed diet, which she was on when I got her.

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Haha-- thanks for the suggestion Spinner! Maybe I'll try my dog's food as well! I did give my dog some pellets and he loved them so I don't know why my bird doesn't! The dog waits by the bird cage to see what Took will throw out. And yes, Took does seem to want whatever I'm eating regardless of what it is. Who knows...maybe I will put some pellets in mouth and try to get him to grab one.

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