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Question about red factor


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When Neo came to us he had what looked like a red mark all the way down one toe on his left foot. At first I thought he had somehow scraped his foot but the red didn't darken any like a scrape would. It stayed the same red. Then I thought maybe the seller had used a red marker to mark him in some way to designate him from the other birds. That didn't really make sense either since he is banded and the band would designate him. I'm now wondering if it's possible that he has a red toe to go with his red tail. He has been with us since September 28th and the toe is still red. Has anyone ever heard of a grey with a red toe before?

Edited by Barbara2
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Barbara, that's interesting. I think I have seen where greys with red factor can also have red toes or nails. Does Neo have any other unusual red in his feathers?


My Moussa has a pale, salmon-colored red on the tips of the feathers around his legs. I think it's called "grizzling."

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I thought about a birthmark as well (since my granddaughters have them) but didn't know if birds got birth marks since they incubate inside an egg. I hadn't thought about blood vessels. That's why I bring these questions here because I know that there are so many with great information and ideas! :)

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