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Looking for Male CAG


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This is not really the type thing we want here on this forum, we are not in the business of looking for or selling birds. Why don't you do a google search for any in your area or look for breeders or vets who may know of such birds for sale. I am sure you will find more help that route than here.

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i didn't mean to offend anyone on here. I didn't come on here to buy or sell birds. i purchased my CAG via a recomendation from a fellow Grey owner. That's the only reason why i asked on here.


Once again i never meant to offend anyone.

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You didn't offend anyone especially me, please do not take offense to what I said, I was just letting you know how we conduct things here.


The members may know of some and if they do they will let you know and it is allright to ask, so this is for future reference.


So are you looking for a companion for the one you already have or what?

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Well you have had one for 14 years, I guess you could tell us a few things then, for some of us have young ones, including me. Josey is 15 months old and I am rather new to this grey world, but I am learning new things every day since I came here. You will find a wealth of information in our threads and you are welcome to share some of your stories with us. I am sure you have stories to tell if you have had one for 14 years.


Pictures are always welcome, we love to admire each others greys, we would love to see yours.


You have two little boys, what are their ages?

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So after being a good pet for 14 years you plan to turn her into a breeder? This may not work. She has been a pet so long she may have no clue.

Why not keep her at a pet? I know your time with her won't be as much but your kids well grow up faster then you think.

Most parrots are very forgiving of that sort of thing.

When my Mom was sick and dying from cancer it was 6 months of off and on attention but all my birds took it with stride.

I know it well be longer for your kids to start school and suck but it just may work out.

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oh no-- I do not want to start breeding! i just wanted to get her a partner. I've heard stories of greys not wanting their owners after they have bonded with a partner, but i think with attention and caring the two can become very close with our family.


I want to make sure Woody is happy and healthy.

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Well you understand that just because you want a partner for your grey, they may not get along, in fact they probably won't, its just the way they are, so don't be disappointed if you get another one and that happens. Just want you to have all the facts before you go ahead with this.

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As judy has said there is no guarantee that introducing a second bird that they will get along.You have had your bird for 14 years,is she the only bird in the house ? if she is then i think you may have problems,at 14 she will be very stuck in her ways, she will be used to routine etc..She may never accept another bird, but given time she may tolerate another bird.Be prepared you wil have to introduce them slowly, cage them separately, divide your time equally, this in its self may cause jealously with your existing bird.There are so many factors to consider, but saying all that they may get along,no one can say 100% what will happen.Good luck in whatever you decide, just be ready for the ups & downs.

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It is never a good idea to get your parrot a pet so to speak.

In most cases it never works out and it means you'll have to spend twice the time with them to keep them tame and clean.

Now if you want another bird for you and have the extra time then go for it and since your not going to breed and they well be living in separate cages sex don't matter. Type of bird don't matter that much either.

So get something you want and you well enjoy and consider it a plus if they can spend out time together without ripping off each others beak or foot.

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Woody hasn't had a steady "roommate", but she has had a grey or two coming over and staying for a week or so. When i lived in NY I would take care of 2 greys when their owners went away on vacation. they would do the same for me.


Woody has been with me before i met my wife. unfortunately she is scared of playing with her. I've tried and tried, but the mrs doesn't want to get along with her. She will feed and change the water when i am out of town on business, but thats as close as she gets to being a friend to Woody

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Tracy brings up good points to consider, if your wife is hesitant to handle one grey, what is it going to be like with two.


Your grey does not need another grey to keep it company, you are his company, his flock but if you just want another bird then that is ok in itself, but more than likely they won't get along, and you certainly cannot put them in the same cage.


You need to think on this some more but when you do decide please let us know, we want to help you any way we can.

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How about a smaller bird your wife wont be afraid of? Maybe if she learned from a smaller more manageable bird then she may be less afraid of the grey.

Or is she just afraid of birds period. Some people are and getting a second bird may serve to only upset her more with the birds and you.

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We are not neccessarily trying to talk you out of another bird if that is what you want, but we have seen too many instances of where someone that got a bird and then had to turn around and rehome it. We like to avoid that if at all possible and that means you need to be sure before you committ to getting one.

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Guest Monique

Hi Dennis. I hope you do not feel like you are just getting an earful. Everyone is just looking out for you and birdies best interests here :). We have been a multi bird household for some time. Our birds do not really interact at all. My Conure and Grey do try to eat one another on occasion and so I must be Very Very careful when they are out. Having more than one bird definitely DOUBLES my time - not halves it. So if you are worried about time commitment do not add another one it will only be worse. Two cage cleanings, two foods to prepare and waters to keep clean, two to watch when they are having their outside time, and now it is harder to watch because you also have to be careful of them getting together.


The only time Greys are housed together is when you are looking at breeding. And Greys will not automatically bond to a bird of the opposite sex they are picky like you and I and are also monogomous once that occurs. At this point you are probably your Grey's mate and even if you did want to breed (though I know you said you did not) it is not likely to decide to not be monogomous to you and bond to another bird instead after this much time.


Like I said noone is trying to scare you away here so please ask more questions if you have them and if we can help!!

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oh no!! i welcome all the messages. if i didn't want an opinion i wouldn't have put it out there.


I've been thinking this over for about 2 years now. Obviously I haven't purchased one because of the points that are being brought up here. Its definitely a tough decision to make!!


I definitely do not want to purchase a Grey and then have to find a home for it. I feel like no one can care for my bird like I do. My wife tell me I'm insane.


I have a perch in my shower so that Woody can take a shower

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I am glad you are taking all this criticism in stride, we are looking out for your best interests and of the potential bird you want to add.


If you have any other questions you want to ask, please just ask, the more information you have the better to make your decision about whether or not to get another bird.


And you are not insane, or all of us would be, we are just bird lovers, pure and simple.

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