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HI :) im new here, and have a few questions


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Hello all!! :) Ive done alot of research and have decided on a Timneh African Grey. Now im wondering if male or female is better/worse. Can anyone with experience with both help me out? :)

I plan on getting a baby, yet an not opposed to older, does anyone know any good breeders?

Thank you for reading, and i am sooo glad to have found this site :)

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Hi Tamara and welcome in our grey family. Its really good that you have joined our forum before you actually get your grey. There is a lot to know about greys and even after years of having them as companions, you will still learn a lot.

As far as I know, there isnt any behavioral difference between them, but perhaps some other more experienced members can give you more inofrmation. Its also good to think about the age of the grey you want to get. Babies are more demanding and they need more care, especially that their immunity is a lot lower than adult greys. On the other hand, its really a wonderful experience to get a baby grey as they are more cudly and bond faster than adult ones. Another advantage for having a baby grey is that they dont come with behavioral problems or any baggage that they carry from their previous owners.

I am sure that other members will share their openions on this matter. Give it some thought beofre you decide.

All the best and looking forward to hearing forom you about your grey



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Hello Tamara and its great to hear you have been doing research before you committed to getting one of these amazing creatures, I have a female Cag but I don't think it makes a lot of difference which sex you get as they are all wonderful pets.

It would help to know where you are located to give you some places to look for breeders.

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Thank you for the great responses, and thank you for the welcomes :) Sorry, I am in Oregon LOL ive googled alot of breeders, but i was wondering if anyone knew of any personally that they have dealt with or heard great things about. Thanks again, and i am soooo glad there are nice friendly people on here!! :)

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All my greys are females but I don't think Male/Female is better or worse. Also my three greys have been rehomed birds and I'm Lucky to report I haven't had any behavioral issues...Maybe I did have one with my Congo, she came to me when she was 14 months old and she would make this very loud cockatiel call (her previous owner had tiel)but it was 5 times as loud as a tiel..Luckily I totally ignored the call and within a short time she forgot all about making that obnoxious noise.


I would say my Timnehs are really a lot less demanding then my congo, and also a whole lot quieter.

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Thanks guys! And I have had experience with Parakeets, got em when i was a child, they died from old age at 15. Also with the parakeets, we had a Cockatiel, he was a little chunky lol so he was kind of big. I am an avid pet store looker lol, Looker, NOT buyer lol, ive held a few of the bigger birds and stuff. So i feel im pretty ready for the bigger bird.

tibanks, thank you i will definately give that sight a looking at when i am done posting this. I greatly apreciate it :) And another oregonian? What are the odds of that? LOL Im not alone hahahh just playing. Im from Southern Oregon, and boy is it freakin cold down here right now lol

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Welcome Tamara!


I feel that the personality of the individual grey is going to be much more important than whether it's a male or female. You need a grey that is going to match your needs, expectations and personality. Think about whether you want high-energy or low, playful or calm, mischievous, adventuresome, etc. Think about traits that you might want, and then match that as best you can.


Glad to see you're doing your homework and research. Whatever you decide, sex- and personality-wise, be sure to find a breeder that will let you visit and interact with your grey long before you take it home. Read through some of the issues (biting, stepping up, cage in/out, etc) and insure your breeder has worked through all of them with your baby. In other words, you want a hand-reared, socialized, and properly trained baby. Ask for references.


And, keep asking questions!

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As everyone said, I don't think there is really a difference in personalities between males and females. I have a 4 year old CAG and I am her second (possibly third) owner. She did come with some baggage that her and I have worked through but she is still VERY timid and a little aggressive when it comes to strangers. She bonded with me within a few days of having her, but I believe this is an exception to the rule. I got lucky. I think choosing to rehome or adopt a Grey as opposed to buying a baby is great. Yes, the babies are very sweet and cuddly and don't come with any baggage, but getting an older one comes with the advantage of knowing that you are giving this precious soul a chance at a great home and a wonderful new life. One it may have never had before. They all require a great deal of attention and commitment, no matter where they came from or how old they are, but what you get in return from them makes it worth it.

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My advice is let the bird pick you.

Do not rush your decision, and look at lots of birds. After seeing many it will be more apparent if there is a good fit. I remember meeting Brutus. He stepped right up, and seemed at peace on my hand. I knew it was right. I have a male CAG and he is awesome! He is more like a golden retriever- goofy and happy. Good luck with your search!

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