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My Grey is 2 years old. I try to respect her comfort level and still move forward with her. Lately she won't take food or treats from my hand. She lowers her head, and tries to nip. I don't get it. She is not the least bit affectionate but is better with my husband. She seems to like men more than woman. What else can I do?

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You say **lately**. With many greys, they'll venture back and forth between people. Sometimes, they favor one over the other for a while. Give treats but put in a cup.As far as nipping, that can also last a while. Many times, they break up their own routine which includes biting.

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Just keep working with her. Speak nicely to her and whenever you go past her cage drop a treat in her bowl. After awhile she should start coming to you to take the treat. If she prefers your husband to you, don't take it personally. Most Greys will bond to one person but will tolerate others. Sometimes they may even become a little aggressive with them. Don't feel like you did something wrong, that's just how they are. It just means you will have to work that much harder to get her to warm up to you. Then again. Once she reaches sexual maturity it could all change and you may become the favored person while your hubby gets the bites and bad attitude.

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Never give up on a grey like dave said they can go bact and forth and she could be testing you to see how far she can go.

Our grey did this for a short time and than she got over it. Now she loves me my wife and son very much and likes just about all people that come to our house.

They can drive you nuts from time to time but don`t give up.

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