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Going to pick up bird,( rescue) Sadie, did have one concern,( so far) LOL


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Sadie is the rescue I am getting for 300 dollars that I posted about a few days ago like I said I am her 4th home and she has been living off of canned veggies another concern that I found out about last night while talking on the phone to make arrangements for pick up is that Sadie lives most of the time with a blanket thrown over the cage so that she won't make any noise. The lady has 2 pit bulls that scare Sadie and so she gets covered up to keep her quite. From what I understand she lives about 85% under the cover. I hate that but it is what she is use to I'm a little concerned going totally cold turkey without any cage cover right out of the shoot. Maybe I should cover just a portion of her cage for a while until she feels safe enough for me to take if off? What do you think?

Thanks, Karen

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Absolutely as Barbara says, take cues from Sadie, but your idea to cover part of the cage from the start, is a good one. That way she can hide away if she wants, but can come out when she feels ready. Covering her at night to keep out any draughts might be a good idea aswell. Hope the homecoming goes well. x

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That would be wise to at least cover part of her cage if you get indications she needs it, poor dear to have to live like she did but who knows she might just brighten up once she gets in a new environment. I see you have dogs too but you are a more responsible owner so therefore you will make them keep their distance at least for a while until Sadie feels safe, I can't wait to see some pictures of her.

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Judy hit a key point and the others gave great advice as well.


Dogs are not Sadies friend in her mind, thus the need to keep yours away and out of sight or at least at a far distance so she does not feel threatened.


I am looking forward to hearing an update on how the homecoming has gone.

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The more I hear about the place she's coming from the more pissed I get. Who does that to a bird? besides someone who obviously has no conscience or compassion. My cockatiels noise level can be outstanding at times during the day, but I don't throw a blanket over their cage. I shush them like you would a crying baby and it gets them to take it down an octave or two. But I agree with everyone else. I would maybe keep the back and sides covered that way she can watch out the front and check out her new surroundings but still feel like she has some protection.

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Well Sadie is home and I am pooped I will work on getting pictures up tomorrow Dave sent me photobucket info so I will give it a go tomorrow. Sadie is nervous of course but I think doing OK, she said tickle tickle as soon as I got her back in the cage. It was one filthy cage I cleaned out I swear to you I was gaging and so upset that she had to live in that filthy pit. I heard she has 2 other people lined up to take the other birds I just pray they aren't first time bird owners, these guys are true rescues. Hubby did promise I can go and buy a new cage, I will go get it but wait to make the switch over Sadie needs to be in her familiar cage for a while until she gets use to life here with us. I do think she is going to be a cuddle bug , don't ask me why it's my 6th sense acting up I guess...LOL

I have to say again thank goodness for all of you I actually feel strong and confident enough to take sweet little Sadie on.

You guys are the best Thanks so much, Karen

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I agree that Sadie needs to stay in the cage that is familiar to her for a while, glad to hear she is home and doing fine so far and I hope she does turn out to be a cuddle bug, it will be interesting to see if your sixth sense is right or as I usually call it my gut feeling, looking forward to seeing some pictures of the lovely Sadie, I just have a feeling that she will blossom under the tender care of someone who knows what she needs and wants.

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Just because she's been dealt a lousy hand, doesn't necessarily mean that she's actually damaged. Just maybe dinged up some.


You probably know more than you think & you have a great heart. You've got everything it takes to get Sadie over her issues & give her a good life.


I hope the other birds are moving on to such great homes.

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You are already well ahead of the transition simply by trying to think things through from Sadie's point of view and to give her the time and space to let you know what she is ready to do to change for the better with you. I am so happy for her to be in your home and for her real life and personality to have the chance to shine through where we all can enjoy the journey with you.

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