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And the destruction begins...


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Today I lost the power button off my monitor. How? It was brutally ripped off by a strong birdie beak. When it tried to stop Kaleah from taking it off all the way I was bit. I managed to get it away from her, some what re-attach it, but she pulled it off again. No amount of shooing, distractions, and no's would stop her from her quest of dismantling my monitor piece by piece. I was lucky enough to get it to turn back on when I tried putting the button on a second time, but the button wouldn't stay on.

Edited by Kaleah
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My first experience so far has been a harmless destruction. Neo started taking apart his colorful ladder inside his cage. He got out one of the red pins that hold the rungs in place. I opened the cage to take it from him and he ran from me!! LOL! So I gave up and let him keep it. After a few minutes he dropped it outside the cage. I decided I would be fighting a losing battle to put it back in place. Since then he has removed several other pins and the ladder is now lying in a heap at the bottom of the cage.


Good luck protecting your monitor!!

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I really think that they learn to do better with time. Tobie snatched earrings off my ears and ruined more than one necklace. My fault - I know - for not taking them off. Now - at three years he no longer grabs the earrings (dangly earrings are all I wear). He flips them with his beak and sais " Quit that ". He hasn't harmed earrings or necklaces in over a year and I wear them all the time.

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Lol enjoy the mayhem -it will only get better! And I think you're right Jan, they do learn to do it better!! Earring were once one of Alfies favourites too, and she got so good at it, she could whip one out without the wearer even knowing it!!

Seriously though, they get into everything and once they get something in their head, you just can't shift it. No amount of distraction, persuasion or downright bribery will take their mind off of those lovely shiny buttons on thet new blouse! It's a good idea to play a game of "leave that" with your birds, so you can get them to drop something really quickly when it absolutely matters. Alfie unscrewed the top of my nail polish once!

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