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What did you do when you went on holiday?


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I'm getting an African Grey in 2 weeks however i'm going abroad for 2 weeks in October. I have many members of the family who would be willing to look after him but won't this cause stress?


Has anybody left there parrot for this long and if so where there any affects?


thanks<br><br>Post edited by: Sofabed, at: 2007/08/24 17:21

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Its really not a good idea to leave your new bird so early in the relationship, but if it cannot be avoided then you have no choice. They need this time to bond with you and set up the trust you want to build with them. Also so early on like this, the bird may possibly bond with whomever is taking care of it while you are away.


I doubt it will cause stress for the bird, especially if the person or persons taking care of it will be around some for it to get used to them before you leave. I guess it is not possible for the breeder or whoever you are getting it from to keep it until you return, that is what I would suggest.


Maybe some of the other members have some other ideas, but for the first year it is best for you to be around every day for the bond and trust to be properly set, but then again it may not matter at all.


I notice this is your first post, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this new grey you are getting.:)

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Hi sofabed,


The early weeks when you bring your grey home are very important to you both.You will be starting the bonding relationship with your grey.You will need to establish a routine with him/her, Time in cage, time out of cage,bedtimes,meals etc..Greys love routine.

If you have no choice in leaving your grey & he is going to stay with a family member while your away, i would suggest that you introduce that family member to your grey,he needs to have confidence in the person he is going to stay with & they need to understand about your grey.

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Would it be possible to leave the new Grey at the Breeders until you get back from vacation?


This might be better. Then when you bring him home, you will be around hopefully for months before your next week + vacation. Then your bonding and relationship with your new baby would not be interrupted. :-)


Also, Welcome to the Forum!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/24 17:45

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Guest briansmum

i do agree that it is best to spend time with your grey to stregthen the bond, however i have been on 2 short trips since i have had brian and he is 6 months old now. i did only go for a few days at a time though, not 2 weeks, 2 weeks is a long time. it is also a long time to ask the breeder to keep your grey until you get back in october.


i would seem you have no choice but to leave it with family, which is what i have done. you do risk your grey bonding with said family member and not being the same with you when you get back, and i would say to make this the only lengthy trip you take until your baby is much older and your bond is indeffinate.:)

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I plan to go away for a week and a half at the end of September. I already have a pretty good bond with Pryde, in fact she has definitely chosen me as her favorite person. Since she has taken to biting my husband, she will be going on vacation as well, back to the breeder while I am gone. I know that even if she wasn't biting my husband he would not let her out enough so this is best for everyone B)

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Rather then get the bird in October and turn around and leave it or move it in September maybe you can get the breeder to keep the bird till you get back.

Or at the very least bird set for you so that they are in a known home.

If not maybe leave the bird at your house and have a parrot friendly person visit your bird while you are gone.

The reason I say parrot friendly is someone that won't be afraid of the bird and be able to let them out even for just 15 min a day while your gone.

I don't vacation something I just cant afford to do with my small zoo.:side:

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Hi Pryde!


It's great to hear your Breeder is that way. Mine is also and will keep Dayo anytime we wish to go out of town.


We will also take care of all her Parrots and Breeders when her and her hubby go out of town.


It's nice when you make "Friends" like that, isn't it?

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Thanks Everyone. We Are Going To Look At Them Next Week And We Have Had Dealings With The Breeder B4 An He Is Really Nice So I Think That It Would Be A Good Idea If He Could Keep Him/Her A Bit Longer.

As U R All More Experienced With The Birds Than I Am I Have Heard That Even If U Have Bonded With Ur Bird An You Go Away For A Week Or 2 Or Even If They Move Rooms In The House They Pluck Out Their Feathers...Is Is True?

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Well I have a lot more then parrots. There are two people we can call on to come to our house and check in on the pets but its a lot to ask of someone. We have taken short weekend trips but try not to be gone more then two nights.

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Sofabed wrote:

As U R All More Experienced With The Birds Than I Am I Have Heard That Even If U Have Bonded With Ur Bird An You Go Away For A Week Or 2 Or Even If They Move Rooms In The House They Pluck Out Their Feathers...Is Is True?


Greys can pluck for many reasons, yes something as small as moving their cage or absence of the owner could trigger feather plucking .

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Well after you bond with your bird and you have had it for over a year, then you can leave for several weeks and they should not be affected. Some of them here on the forum have done that very thing, and they returned to no problems, just a happy bird, glad to see them.


So if your breeder can keep the bird a little longer, I think you will not have a problem, then when you get back, get the grey and bond with it before going off on another long trip.


The feather plucking can be caused by different things, but I wouldn't worry about it at this point, if you pay attention to a lot of the information we have here, you may never have a problem.


Now even though you do not have the bird yet, you can still introduce yourself on the welcome page, we would like to know a little more about you, helps us feel more like a family here.:)

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Guest briansmum

as already said many things can cause feather plucking, i have left my bird and come home and he's fine. he stays with my mum at her house, but he knows my family very well as i take him at least once a week and i have done since i got him, so it is like a second home for him. if you have family that you would trust to care for your bird as you would then this is something you could do to get them used to this surrounding. however if he doesn't like any of the family members and they have no experience with birds i would be relucant to leave him with them. it would be very hard for someone who doesnt know birds to deal with one that doesnt like them

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Thankyou Every1 For All Ur Help. My Name Is Soph An Im from Cheshire. I Have Got Loads Of Animals - 2 Tortoises (alice & Hugo), A Dog (Lucy), A Rabbit (henry), A Snake (lacey), 2 Rats (Laurel & Hardy), 4 Horses (Angel, Monique, Molly & Dolly), 2 Cats (Mogs & Tabs) And Soon I'll Have A Grey :cheer:

As You Can Tel Me An My Family R Animal Lovers So It May Not Always Be Me On This Account It Could Be Either Of My Sisters (Lou & Tor). But Wen They Write, They'l Say Who It Is ;)



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We welcome all of you and if you want to share an account that is fine or each one of you can have your own, its your choice.


You do have a nice assortment of animals, keeps you busy but they are a lot of company and provide you with a lot of enjoyment I'm sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Everyone...Just Thought I'd Update U On My Holiday Situation ;)

We Went To See The Breeder Last Week An We Have Bought The Grey, ACage And Some Toys An We R Picking It Up On The 1st Or 2nd Of November :cheer:

It Seems Ages Away But Im Goin Away In 5 Weeks An Im Gettin It As Soon As Am Back So I Dont Have 2 Wait That Long And It Will Be 4 The Best.


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I have a lady move into my house when I am away. I have some birds who have occasional night frights so would not be comfortable with someone just stopping in twice a day. Also, once my amazon got her toenail caught during the night and if no one had been here to hear her calling, I hate to think what would have been the result of that mishap.It costs not much more than if I sent my dog to the kennel and well worth every penny.Perhaps if you checked with a local pet shop they may know someone or could you pay a relative to stay at your house for that time?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Everyone! :cheer:

I Got My Grey On Friday... We Named Him Kenny After Kenny Dalgleash (The Liverpool Player):P

He's 12weeks Old 2Day And He's Settling In Fine, Although He Did Keep Flying Into Things :unsure:


I Just Posted A Topic About Biting An Would Appreciate Your Comments On This.





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